I haven't posted in awhile. I've told some of you that it's because I'm busy with two jobs, spring cleaning and an unrelenting social calendar, but the real reason is that I've been depressed about my wardrobe.
On the whole, I'm a fashionplate. Ask my friends. I am constantly wowing them with my Husky Boy jeans, assorted T-shirts and selections from my Birkenstock collection. I generally do a good job of keeping current, but occasionally I get busy and fall behind the fashion times by 10 or 15 years. Then I have to remedy the situation pronto with some purchases designed to update my look and restore my self-esteem. Here are a few things that my wardrobe lacks. Don't be surprised if next time you see me I am wearing one or more of them:
1. High-heeled blue flip-flops —

These are not only beautiful, but are the ultimately sensible shoe. What could be more comfortable than having a piece of plastic wedged between two toes? Or more practical than a tiny rubber heel? Clearly they are the perfect walking shoe. And besides that, who doesn't have a thousand uses for aqua blue shoes made out of fly-swatter material?
2. School-girl plaid mini skirt —

As I was viewing Internet porn for research, I happened to notice that this skirt is very trendy. I can't believe I don't own one already. I'm a girl. I go to school. So this is really more a question of need than want.
3. Thong underwear with witty writing on the triangle —

I ordered this pair because one day I hope to marry a quiet librarian who enjoys Shakespeare and fine wine and witty sayings on underwear. I'm going to order some for me, also in pink, that say "Editors do it with style" and "Adjunct professors do it with discipline," or some other classy saying that will be sure to impress a lover. Maybe you all can give me some ideas.
4. Pink shorts with writing on the butt —

I liked these better before I realized that they said "Dancer," not "Danger." I would prefer for people to look at my ass and think "Danger!" That would rule. A lot of your more upscale gals are wearing writing on the ass. Usually it is the name of a sports team or something like "P.I.N.K." I prefer candor, so I'd rather it just say "Look at my sexy ass" or "Get a load of my load." Or they could have personalized ass writing — like with license tags — where you write something in a kind of shorthand and challenge passersby to decode it. Something elegant, like GR8LAY.
5. Burberry condoms — Some of you might think I have as much use for a condom as a dog has for a typewriter. But the point of the Burberry condom is the point of the Burberry scarf.

It's meant to be seen. Its actual usefulness is entirely beside the point. You know how you see a lot of people wearing real crappy stuff with a $200 Burberry scarf around their neck? It's like that one accessory brings their whole look together and negates all the crap. You don't see anything else but the scarf. It becomes the focal point. I figure if houseguests saw a bowl of Burberry condoms in my bathroom or the grocery bagger saw one fall out of my purse "accidentally," they'd automatically forget all the crap and assume some awesome things about my sex life. And if people think you're having awesome sex — expensive, awesome, plaid sex — you rise immediately in their estimation.

6. Black push-up bra with floral design — As I said earlier, I'm depressed. I could use a lift.
If any of you have other ideas for things that would look fabulous on me, I'm all ears.
A suggestion for writing on the underwear: Well, sticking with the copy editor theme, you could put the dummy headlines we put in when we lay out the pages before the story is read -- "Hed goes herey."
I think "Danger!" on your butt would make me think you eat too much spicy food.
But maybe "Dancer" is part of a set. I'm sure there's a "Vixen" out there, as well as the rest of the reindeer.
You should add a shirt or two to the list.
I think you definitely need one of those cropped sweaters, because you wouldn't want your stomach to get hot.
And also some gauchos, because your thighs need a lot of breathing room, but not as much as your calves.
Also, your purse is completely depressing and unbeaded.
Speaking of danger, I about wet my pants at work reading this.
If you're going to wet your pants, wetting them while at work is one of the more dangerous times to do it. While stepping over an electric fence is another.
You should get a t-shirt that says: "I was promoted to Copychief, and all I got was this lousy t-shit."
Or maybe you could get shirts like that for your students: "I passed Multimedia Editing and all I got was this lousy t-shit." Of course, some of them wouldn't catch it.
OK, Erin, I ordered the cropped sweater and the beaded handbag (I LOVE that handbag!), but I couldn't find gauchos in my size. If I buy gauchos in my size, they hit just below my ankles, not just below the knees like they're supposed to.
I think you should get some thong underwear that says: "Information officers do it in public."
Christy's could say: "Ex-teachers do it with no class."
George's could say: "Nurses do it with patience."
Ben's could say: "Inspectors do it at home."
"I was promoted to Copychief, and all I got was this lousy t-shit."
I am totally having that made.
George, "Hed goes herey." God, that is really funny. But my partner would have to be another copy editor or a really dumb frat boy.
Ooh! Speaking of Burberry, how about Burberry for dogs?
Hed goes herey about made ME wet MY pants!! (Of course, I wouldn't wet someone else's pants. That would be disgusting.)
I still say you need a copychief headdress. Magnificent and feathered.
"But my partner would have to be another copy editor or a really dumb frat boy."
Are you saying the two are mutually exclusive? Did D.A. go to a frat?
And Sharon, don't you appreciate how I've ensured your mind will now go into the gutter every time I send a story to the rim?
KC, did you just suggest that Ben and I should buy thongs?
Actually, I've always wanted a banana hammock.
I've always wanted a kitty hammock, too, but I wouldn't keep my p**** there.
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OK, that deleted comment above was supposed to be a picture of the kitty hammock I'm getting Sharon for Christmas, but the link didn't work because of user error. You'll have to use your imagination. But it was cute and furry.
George, I gotcha on D.A. I was thinking of the wrong D.A. at first. He probably was greek AND geek.
I've rethought your thong. It should say "Nurses do it patiently."
Maybe in the same way that was the message he was trying to convey with his Tabasco Hawaiian print shirt: hot stuff.
I like the "do it with patience." Of course, it might cause the hospoital to lose patience, which is never a good thing.
And for my patients I'll give them the T-shirt: "I got a catheter stuck in every orifice and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt."
Oh, goodie! A kitty hammock! Gee, we don't usually exchange Christmas gifts. What do you want?
Nope, sorry KC, we won’t be accepting incompetence as any kind of excuse. It doesn’t match your other accessories. So serve up that kitty hammock, please.
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