The Kansas Legislature legalized concealed weapons yesterday.

As I was gleefully pondering what kind of gun (and matching thigh holster) I would purchase, a co-worker, Miguel Escudo, treated me to a story.
Miguel is a gentleman farmer, a native Kansan and man of the world. He knows how to milk a goat, how to roof a house, how to mix a cocktail and how to tell a story. He lives his life. He is exactly whom I'd want to be if I were a man of a certain age.
And he is the soul of this workplace. Someone told me that he had spent time in a Spanish prison, for reasons he won't divulge. He smokes Spanish cigarettes. He likes them because they "feel like someone's stepping on your chest." His beautiful wife is Spanish. He described her to me once as "a Spanish Socialist" and "an amazing cook." She looks half her age. He takes her ballroom dancing and buys her Chanel No. 5 and mock-complains that she's too opinionated, that he's always in the dog house for one reason or another. When I see them downtown they're holding hands like they've been married for three weeks, not 30 years. Sometimes something reminds him of a girl he once knew, when he was in the Navy or in college or in Europe or working a dead-end job somewhere in central Kansas. He laughs like he means it. And he doesn't dwell; tomorrow's a new day.
This is the story he told: Decades ago he and his wife were living in "a Wichita ghetto." He bought her "a little pistol" so she'd feel safer when he wasn't around. One day he was sitting at home watching some thugs out the window throw something into the neighboring lot — something that was on fire. So he ran outside to prevent what he thought might be an arson. But when he gets to the site he sees that it's just some punks lighting bags of cement on fire and throwing them down into the rain-soaked foundation "to see what would happen." They scatter when they see him. But all of the sudden, shots ring out! "Those little bastards are SHOOTING at me," he thinks and takes cover. After a moment he crawls back toward his house, and when he has the nerve to raise his head up a little, he sees his beautiful, opinionated, Spanish wife standing on the porch waving that little pistol above her head. When he asks what the hell she's doing, she explains that she saw him "go running out" and so naturally had to arm herself and watch his back. It turns out that in the frenzy to protect her Miguel she fired a few bullets INSIDE the house: one through the ceiling, one through a bookcase, one somewhere else. Miguel thinks of their 6-year-old daughter — and of his propensity to anger his wife, and of her bad aim — and decides the little pistol may contribute more harm than good to their happy little household. He puts it away.
Too bad he's only a gentleman farmer and not a gentleman lawmaker.
Based on nothing beyond what I see in the newspapers, it looks like Kansas is in the middle of freak-out about children and sex. The race to see who can pile on ever longer and more severe penalties to supposed sexual predators is at least understandable however stupid. But there are some things I don’t get at all. One example has been this issue of sex toys in stores. There seems to be some kind of fear that kids are at risk and need to be protected. What I haven’t heard is an explanation of what, in particular, the sight of a piece of plastic that may or may not have a battery in it will do to these poor children. Have any of these kids ever spent a day of their lives without small plastic objects that may or may not have batteries? What difference is one more?
Is there any hope that this might just be a brief vacation from reason, or will there be a steady supply of such madness?
Oh, I heart Miguel. I really do.
I think a new Dark Age has descended. A high-tech one. So the result will be Apocalypse, not Renaissance.
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A Dark Age in America, at least. I think that's why sometimes I think about emigrating.
But first I'd had to learn how to speak Australian.
I was going to suggest a gun for you, but I see you have found it. That is exactly the one I had in mind.
Driftwood, did you see the other pics I posted on an earlier blog? They're just for you, doll.
On an earlier post, you mean.
Yes, I see them now. So you have mastered the picture posting details, then. They make a fine addition--just the style that I would expect in your blog.
Do you know if you have any control over the setting on these comments? In particular, can you accept more HTML code so as to embed URLs?
OK, I don't the diff between a blog and a post, as you expertly — though not very graciously — note, and you expect me to know whether I "can accept more HTML code so at embed URLs." You're a peach.
I'll look into that.
"You" needn't be singular in English, no? And are simple facts ever anything but gracious? But is there a set-up page somewhere that you have access to? I've never looked behind the curtain on one of these blogs, so I don't know what kind of options you have.
With the help of sundry species of alcohol, I could give it a go some time.
OK, I figured it out. The wonderful thing about standards is that there are so many to chose from.
Here is what I was going to say to George:
Instead of moving to Australia and contending with the world’s deadliest spiders, scorpions, and snakes, you could move to Texas.
Hmmmm .... A little over a year ago I had two job offers: one in Kansas, the other in Texas. As bad as Kansas is, I think I made the right choice.
And in Australia there's the Marmite and Vegemite for the taking!
I spent a summer climbing with a guy from New Zealand. He brought several large jars of Vegemite that he would use to torture poor unsuspecting climbers. He was totally deaf to my pleas that he was driving off all my potential friends. He also insisted on playing head-banger music on hours-long drives. Other than that, he was a wonderful guy.
But I'd go to Australia for the climbing.
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