Aaaghh! It's Erin and Ben's anniversary. Or at least I think it is. It seems like we had a conversation last winter about the date, and June 6 — D-Day, for all you World War II buffs! — sticks out in my mind. It's also 06/06/06 for all you Satan buffs.
(If I'm wrong about the date, I'll just quietly delete this and re-post on July 6 or Aug. 6 or whatever the correct date is.)
By the way, Aug. 6 was my wedding anniversary. The date we dropped a nuclear bomb on Japan. Hiroshima, mon amour!
Anyhow, Erin and Ben met in high school and shared their first kiss over a riveting game of spin the bottle. Their first seven kisses, I think. For all of you fans of Erin's tremendous blog, stick around and you will get a firsthand account of this fateful evening. Then followed a tempestuous romance, which included — can you believe it? — making out on the first date. I actually saw the exact location of this historic, if awkward, encounter on a McDaniel-guided tour of Newton. Then followed some gushy poetry writing and college-aged tomfoolery as they both went off to KU. Then a lovely wedding despite an absent bridesmaid and balloons that didn't work, plus, I believe, an announcement by Erin's proud mom about Erin's entitlement to wear white. OK, Joyce.
And now it's — what, eight years? — later and look at them now. Erin is co-piloting vintage airplanes with sexy aviators and Ben has dropped his stuffy legal career in favor of something a tad more rewarding. Wish them luck.
Um, it's June 26, actually.
No! It would be so much better if it were today!! Are you sure?
Goddamn it, I knew it had a 6 in it.
OK, the good news is that I still have 20 days to get them a present.
... and to think of something cool and symbolic that happened on June 26.
According to the History Channel, on June 26:
1945: U.N. Charter signed
1917: First U.S. troops arrive in France
2003: Former U.S. Senator Strom Thurmond dies
1819: The bicycle was patented by W. K. Clarkson.
1963: President John Kennedy gave his, "Ich bin ein Berliner" speech in West Berlin.
2000: The first map of the human genome, which required decoding more than 3 billion biochemical "letters" of human DNA, is completed.
Hmmm. Possibly I can do something with the Strom Thurmond connection, or Strom Thurman, as Erin and I prefer to call him. Something about the end of an era and a new racism-free beginning. If only Ben were black, or a "dark" person, in Joyce's parlance. That would work better. (I refer you to Erin's diary: "Mr. Erickson interviewed me today. It went pretty well, but when he asked me if there was anything I would change about my parents, I said their racism. I explained to them how my parents are about dark people. I was crying and everything ...")
I could also do something with the JFK speech. Something along the lines of "Ich bin ein married woman now." What do you think?
Those sound good. Or how about this, a tribute to making out on first dates:
1933: First "drive-in" opens, in Camden, N.J.
Ugh, I just noticed the bad comma in that JFK blurb I posted. I copied and pasted without looking at it. Apologies.
Erin corrected you on the date, but not the year. It will be 7 years.
Seven years? I thought you had already been married seven years. You said seven a while back. I was sure you had a seven-year itch already. Oh well, I guess that's something to look forward to. Jesus, I'm going to have to start writing this stuff down, and you two are going to have to start giving me more accurate information during casual conversation.
Hey, we give you accurate information, you're just too old to remember anything.
Touchée. But my doddering memory may work to your advantage someday, sonny.
I can't imagine what you're talking about. You don't know any secrets about me. Hee hee.
Yes, I do.
Everybody, guess which one (or more) of the following items is true:
A. Ben has worn women's underwear in public.
B. Ben has farted on stage at Carnegie Hall.
C. Ben has been asked to leave a restaurant for excessive belching.
D. Ben has answered the door for the pizza guy naked.
I bet they're all true.
Happy almost-anniversary, Ben and Erin!
Well, kc, this past year was our seventh year of marriage. And it was a real doozer.
Erin: What's a doozer?
Christy: Unless I've forgotten something, only one of those is true.
Ben, traditionally, in a marriage, a doozer year is something that provides contrast to the snoozer years.
Too many doozers or too many snoozers can result in a boozer.
What results in a loozer, I mean loser?
Oh, and one other error in the post: It's the owner of the plane that is sexy, not the pilot. Or were both sexy, Erin?
I think once the entire premise of a post has been proven false, it's pointless to analyze all the sub-falsities within, unless your aim is simply to bulldoze my credibility.
Ben, I think the correct answer to the above quiz about you would make a fascinating blog entry. You should treat us. Or, if you'd rather, I can reconstruct it from my decrepit memory.
P.S. I posted a picture of a Mojave phone booth on my last entry, for DW's edification.
Maybe I should make a list of the things I should blog about when I start blogging again.
1. My criminal career.
2. Singing at Carnegie Hall.
3. Being late to French class after winning a french fry eating contest.
4. Having the KU Symphony and choirs perform my arrangement of Silent Night.
5. Singing a soprano solo at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral in Kansas City.
There are probably others, and most of these probably aren't interesting, but at least it would give me something to write about while my current life is so uneventful.
"Ich bin ein married woman now."
Maybe it should be "Ich ben erin married today."
KC, maybe you should just go for “truthiness”. It looks like you did ok on that score.
Another option would be to get a cute intern to do your fact checking for you. Never can have too many cute interns.
Anyway, congratulations where and when due.
I did achieve truthiness. Thank you, DW.
Yes, I would like to have an intern that I could order around like on "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou." I love how the interns were just addressed as "Intern!"
An intern would have been no use here, however, as too much poking around would have ruined the surprise.
We'll just think of it as Un-Anniversary, a la Lewis Carroll.
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