Sunday, March 23, 2008


Grandpa, Mom, Grandma.


At 9:38 AM, Blogger cl said...

Your grandmother is a glamour queen. Just as I expected!

Hope you had a good time.

At 10:27 AM, Blogger kc said...

Don't you LOVE a woman who can wear a string of pearls like she was born with them? All of her jewelry seems like an emanation of her personality, and not like an accessory she merely throws on. She told me she was leaving me some of her rings, and all I can think is that they will be museum pieces, trotted out from time to time. "This belonged to my grandma." I could never do her gems justice.

Before his hands became all swollen, my grandpa wore a gold pinky ring. He was the first man in my life who wore jewelry other than a wedding ring, if you don't count that ill-advised gold necklace my dad wore in the '70s.

I was happy to spend the holiday with them. Easter and Christmas were the two holidays we always got together on as a kid. And we always went to their house on Easter. She'd always make salmon for Good Friday dinner, and we'd always dress way up for Easter Mass.

About the "good time," though. YOU OBVIOUSLY DIDN'T CHECK YOUR VOICEMAIL!


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