Mabel likes Kurosawa for the horses. And I like him for the Shakespearean themes.
Mabel and I agree on most things, but on this she's wrong.

"Throne of Blood" is based on "Macbeth." In Akira Kurosawa's version, the Macbeth character is a medieval Japanese warlord — a very apt adaption. And Lady Macbeth, the "butcher's fiend-like queen," is a Japanese ice princess, more sinister and creepy even than Shakespeare's original villainess.
I love what Kurosawa does with the setting in "Throne of Blood" — a barren plain shrouded in a dense, roiling fog that seems to mock humanity's ambitions; a haunted, maze-like forest that has no beginning and no end; a wooden castle that, for all its Oriental minimalism, is intensely layered and romantic; the set-piece of samurai sitting stiffly as boards, legs akimbo, in their armadillo-like armor; the shrieking birds that accompany the known world's collapse. It's all perfect for "Macbeth."
And Kurosawa's emphasis on the Macbeth/Lady Macbeth scenes is stunning — just two people in an empty room plotting to kill a king.

After the dark deed, she tells him not to fret. Things without all remedy should be without regard. What's done is done. But later, she rephrases slightly, and with anguish: What's done cannot be undone.
Beforehand, she tells him, "Screw your courage up to the sticking place and we'll not fail." But, in the end, there is no sticking place – for courage or love or honor or anything. Everything is unhinged, unmoored, set adrift. There is nothing to grasp or cling to. Shakespeare's Macbeth famously, eventually, concludes:
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
In a way, Kurosawa's relentless fog seems to embrace this sentiment more deeply than Shakespeare's inevitable moving on, as it were — as it always is — to the crowning of a new king. For Shakespeare, life goes on — always — despite the blackest tragedy. For Kurosawa, the blackness lingers. The despair seems to win in the form of an almost Buddhistic resignation to the folly of humanity. (There might also be something of the mood of post-World War II Japan — an empire propelled by jingoistic vanity to its own annihilation).
In Shakespeare's play, noble Ross warns English Siward, whose son has been slain by Macbeth, to not cling to grief: Your cause of sorrow must not be measured by his worth, for then it hath no end.
But Kurosawa's world — it's easy to imagine — can accommodate a sorrow without end.
Another interesting thing about Kurosawa is how his movie actors are really like stage actors. Their facial expressions are exaggerated, as if they are meant to be seen by people sitting in the back row of a theater. The Lady Macbeth character begins icy and immobile, like an evil oracle, then her movements become increasingly alive and panicked as the plot is set in irreversible motion.
For Shakespeare's three Weird Sisters (or witches) — those of "double, double toil and trouble" fame — Kurosawa substitutes an elderly spinner, a sort of ancestral spirit, which I suppose is more Japanese, but I personally prefer Macbeth's "secret, black, and midnight hags." It seems important that these seers be women, in the context of the play, because they counterbalance and complement Lady Macbeth herself. (I also find it disappointing, though, that Kurosawa substituted sons for daughters in his "Ran," which is based on Shakespeare's "King Lear." Again, the daughters seem essential, but Kurosawa — inexplicably, to me — went with sons.)
Perhaps he did it for the same reason he includes horses and battles, whatever that might be. To appeal to a more "action-driven" crowd?
One could argue that the advantage of film over the stage is that you can show the horses and battles, you can dwell on them, but I don't find this very persuasive, especially with Shakesepeare. I think for Shakespeare the emphasis must remain not on the action, but on the talking about the action. His plays aren't interesting for what happens in them — he borrowed nearly every plot from some other well-known source — but for how the characters process what happens. What is the point in spending time showing warriors silently hacking each other up, when you could be listening to warriors talking prettily about the hacking?
Why do we need real cutlery flailing about when we have Macbeth's "dagger of the mind" proceeding from his "heat-oppressed brain"? Why do we need gory wounds and blood spurts when we have the imaginary blood that Lady Macbeth can't wash off her hands, the mental gore she can't escape. Here's the smell of blood still. All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand.
I'm not a Shakespeare "purist." I love modern adaptations. The whole point of Shakespeare is that he is for all time. I just don't like when the emphasis is taken off the language. The whole point of Shakespeare is the language.
The central action of "Macbeth" is not shown. King Duncan is slain offstage. But the slaying precipitates a flood of words, which take center stage — among them, my favorite in the play, spoken by Macduff when he apprehends that noble Duncan is dead. He says: Confusion now hath made his masterpiece.
It's not the guttural cry of woe you hear, for example, in "Romeo and Juliet" when Juliet is thought dead: O me! O lamentable day!
It's not even something someone would actually say. But it's an absolutely perfect description of grief: Confusion now hath made his masterpiece.
And it's an absolutely perfect example of "emotion recollected in tranquility," which is what poetry, if not cinema, is supposed to be.
Oh! I'd like to reread "MacBeth" now. The movie sounds splendid.
I also still want to see Orson Welles' "MacBeth," though it was poorly reviewed. I almost picked it for Cinema Chatter.
I would like to see a production of "MacBeth" where the witches are very ordinary, slightly older women -- rigidly judgmental, frustrated with their lack of power and purpose once they've been ousted from the church committees and PTA presidency. Wouldn't that be more frightening than the hammed-up stage witch? Women like that are so accustomed to convincing you they're right.
Is it too early to ask about favorite reads during your Shakespearean survey? Or what's the lineup of what you'll read next?
My witches would wear pastel wool slacks and a cross.
Ooh, I want to see Welles' "Macbeth," too. I've seen several stills from the movie. He looks magnificent, the picture of a Scottish thane.
Yeah, the witches have endless possibilities, including as disgruntled suburbanites.
I find the witches really interesting. I guess Shakespeare included them as a nod to King James (Elizabeth's successor and the patron of his acting troupe, the King's Men). James had written a book about witchcraft called "Daemonologie" and had a perverse interest in "wicked women." And James was Scottish, so the whole Scottish angle of "Macbeth" was a piece of flattery.
Something else I learned recently is that "Macbeth" is considered a very unlucky play in the theater world. For some reason, many awful things have happened during performances throughout history. When you're in a production of it, you are not supposed to say Macbeth's name. You are supposed to call him "the thane" and refer to the play's title as "the Scottish play." Fun, huh?
My favorite play, by far, is "King Lear." It's a miracle of writing. I can't think of a major theme in Western literature that it doesn't touch: the nature of love, reason, cruelty, leadership, loyalty, vanity, folly, fate. It's the perfect history play (although it's set in pre-Christian Britain, in the "mists" of time). It's the perfect tragedy. And Lear's fool is the perfect comedian. It's the perfect piece of poetry.
Up next are the Henry plays, but I just got "Antony and Cleopatra" in the mail today, and it may tempt me first.
“Throne of Blood” is my favorite movie version of “Macbeth”. I agree that Kurosawa made excellent choices in the setting with the fog, forest, and castle. Although there are large spaces, the fog and the gloom of the castle create a claustrophobic feeling to match the oppressive doom of fate. While Kurosawa almost never had a woman as the central character in a movie, he did have an occasional very good role and this Lady Macbeth is one of the best. I think I like what he did with the three sisters better than you did. The “toil and trouble” scene is so well known that I think it has become hard to present it with full impact. (Although I did see a staged version where they used digitally delayed and manipulated feedback and made the scene slow and heavy till it was almost a twisted form of dub music—truly creepy). So I like that Kurosawa wasn’t trying to capture the English sense of evil witches with its particular Christian history. Instead we have an ancient woman who is indeterminate between being alive and being a ghost: the wisdom of the ancestors embodied in frail flesh.
I don’t know how much post-war sentiment I would try to read into Kurosawa’s treatment. If you watch his immediate post-war movies, you get stories of deprivation, black-market racketeers, and official corruption and incompetence. Kurosawa’s own idealistic hopes for post-war Japan were clearly bitterly dashed. It is interesting that he focused on individuals confronting the failures of post-war society in the public realm while that other great director, Ozu, focused on individuals confronting the failures of post-war society in the private realm of family and relationships.
Kc, don’t you think that there would be film potential for doing original dialog Shakespeare where there are no added actors or action, but the settings are visually lavish far beyond what can be done on stage? This great language delivered from behind a column of a grand Roman hall or huddled by a bush overlooking a stunning vista?
"the wisdom of the ancestors embodied in frail flesh."
Well said, hon. That's a lovely and astute point.
Oh, yes, I think there is great potential for Shakespeare on film with lavish sets and all.
Part of the problem with Shakespeare in foreign films is that we get Shakespeare translated into a foreign language (whatever verbatim dialogue the filmmaker chooses to include) and then translated back into English via subtitles.
I haven't seen it in ages, but Kenneth Brannagh's "Henry V" comes to mind as great Shakespeare-to-film, including the lavish and bloody Battle of Agincourt. I need to see that again. The Henry plays are great for that because Henry, first as Prince Hal in "Henry IV, Part 1" and "Henry IV, Part II," then as the king himself in "Henry V," is really more a doer than a thinker, isn't he? That works magnificently for film.
I also think Brannagh's film "Much Ado About Nothing" was lavish and stupendous and captured the soul of Shakespeare without doing anything cinematically gratuitous. It was very faithful to the aesthetic of the play without being superfluous.
I'm eager to see the Leonardo DiCaprio "Romeo and Juliet."
I read a beautiful passage in Oscar Wilde's "De Profundis" about "Hamlet." He says: I know of nothing in all drama more incomparable from the point of view of art, nothing more suggestive in its subtlety of observation, than Shakespeare's drawing of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern ... They are what modern life has contributed to the antique ideal of friendship.
This has me itching to see some more movie "Hamlets" and also the Tom Stoppard-play-turned-film "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead."
Ah, yes. Brannagh’s “Henry V” is a great film. I’d like to see it again too. It’s funny that I posed my question without thinking about his “Much Ado About Nothing”. That was very rich and lush wasn’t it?
There was time in my twenties when there were TWO films: “Repo Man” and that filmed version of “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead”. I even taught some friends to play “question tennis”.
His "Much Ado About Nothing" is fabulous. And Keanu Reeves, of all people, plays Don John — the doltish villain.
It just occurred to me that Keanu, in "My Own Private Idaho," was supposed to be the Prince Hal character, superficially, but really the River Phoenix character was, at heart. Or maybe Van Sant was purposefully divorcing Prince Hal's success (Keanu) from his soul (River).
"Much Ado About Nothing" is my favorite comedy so far. I think the Beatrice/Benedick romance is about a thousand times more interesting than the Romeo/Juliet romance. (But I'm hoping to do a separate post on that).
Please do.
Gads, I'm behind. "Much Ado" is my favorite Shakespeare film -- what a cast! -- but I always found the Hero-Claudio resolution sort of dark. She's not doubted once, but twice. That handsome soldier's sure one heck of a catch.
(I suppose agreeing to blind-marry one of the wronged woman's kin is a pretty honorable punishment. It's just as though Claudio carries his honor not through his heart but more as an extra set of balls to be admired.)
Shakespeare probably plied his audience with more soothing words about that ending that I should go back and read. (KC, that big Shakespeare text I own is definitely giving me sidelong glances.)
The Hero-Claudio resolution IS sort of dark. It's not satisfactory. However, the Benedick/Beatrice plot so overshadows it that I don't care all that much about the other couple, despite Claudio's extra set. Hehe
Yes, even though Claudio and Hero were the Bright Young Things, they were just a device to bring the wiser Beatrice/Benedict together. I can live with that.
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