This is so I don't have to look at those underwear anymore.
Harvey the Cheewawa is the latest addition to the household — an unplanned one, as it were, but not unwelcome.
In this photo he is using Mabel, as he uses all of us, as a pedestal and lookout point. Haughtiness and Paranoia will be the twin towers of his personality, I predict — with a spectacular bridge of Charm connecting them.
I'm trying not to be one of those daft Chihuahua people. Trust me. There is minimal dressing up and even less carrying around in cute totebags. On one of the few occasions that I took him out in his chi-chi carrying case, which I did not buy but just happened to get as a gift years ago for a different dog, some dillweed said to me, "Hi, Paris." Oh brother. I do not consider Harvey an accessory just because he happens to be highly portable and feels like cashmere and matches everything.
More on the tiny guy later as I digest his emerging worldview and his impact on our domestic economy (so far, two towels shredded, one sweater sleeve unraveled, one bedspread corner tattered, some lost sleep and lots of stain removal. I'm sure Ben and Erin can add to this list as co-guardians).

Aww, he curls up on his little pillow just like that? How do they know how to be so darn cute?
I think the "darn cute" trait is an evolutionary adaptation to offset the "darn high-pitched barking in the middle of the night" trait and the "darn spazzing out with no provocation" trait.
I doubt Chihuahuas would have come this far without an intense amount of SO CUTE! in the gene pool.
He spent the morning curled up like that on Ben's bathrobe. The cuteness totally made up for having just pooped in my bedroom two minutes after going outside.
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