Awesome. My pal George just revealed that he was in a Korean gang as a kid. I suspected he was a badass — I could tell by his penchant for iced coffee drinks and science fiction — and now my suspicions have been confirmed.

He claims the gang's main activity was breakdancing (see his blog), but don't let that fool you. That's just George being modest. You can be sure they were doing more than spinning around in matching $5 jackets. I'm sure there was a little extortion here and there, some cap peeling, a revenge killing or two. The usual.
I've known George just over a year. He came to Lawrence when Erin left for the bright lights of Newton. He had been on the East Coast and the West Coast — on gangsta business, no doubt — and now he was back in the middle, probably acting as a point man, under cover as a copy editor, in a coast-to-coast crime syndicate. When I called his former employer for a reference, she said two things: (1) Hire him NOW; and (2) Don't be surprised if he never talks to you.
Which I know now was code for ... something.
Well, we did hire him. And he did talk to me, eventually. I was just becoming acquainted with the shadowy details of his past when he up and moved to Oklahoma, where — get this — he's studying to become a badass nurse.
Or so he claims.
he'll kick you
and he'll beat you
and he'll tell you it's fair
Right on.
G-Dog is coming to town Tuesday to visit me. I know it's "AI" night, but you should squeeze in an hour to have a drink with us. I'm sure he'll have more revelations about his past - perhaps more details of a certain Okie rite of passage involving secret drives to the Texas border.
That's right, I'll be going from bustin' a cap in yo' ass to bustin' a catheter up yo' ass.
And the secret drives to Texas? If you say any more kc will be sleepin' with the fishes.
Oh, and the reason I didn't talk to you when I was first in Lawrence was because I was doin' time in "The Hole."
OK, bub, ix-nay on the order-bay.
But only because it gave me such a thrill to hear you say "bustin' a catheter up yo' ass."
You should go to poet school when you're done with nursin' school.
Ooooh, that's pretty. I love haiku.
Here's one inspired by actual events today:
Had a craving at the Co-op.
Bought organic cherries.
Six dollars and no flavor.
Never shopped the Merc.
Sorry they weren't "berry" good.
That's too bad for you.
Guess you should have learned.
Those cherries bit you before.
But you can't resist.
Off topic -- this is your former co-worker Sara. I got to your blog through Erin's and to Erin's through cl's. Your blogs are all fantastic, in very different ways.
I want all three of you to know I'm reading, cause to do so without telling you is too sneaky.
So thanks for the blogs. Reading these entries and Erin's diary totally made my day.
(Writing a comment I know all of you will read makes me really nervous. When you come across errors, please give me credit for knowing my own weaknesses and leaving the profession.)
If you want to see what a badass I was in the sixth grade.
Post about Ben: 3 comments
Post about Erin: 3 comments
Post about George: 12 comments and counting
I guess we know who's the most popular.
By the way, George, did I tell you I'm quitting my job? I don't want to be a lawyer anymore. I'd much rather be a bum. So tomorrow's my last day. Yea!
No, you hadn't told me you were quitting (Though someone else had). My recommendation is nursing school. If you go I'm certain kc will follow.
The reason I didn't comment in the post about Ben is I'm the anti-Ben. I don't ask questions of others because I figure people would think I'm being too nosy. And I don't share things about myself unless people specifically ask is because I don't think my life is interesting enough for people to want to know.
Holy crap, kc is right: You are a fucking mirror. Now I'm commenting on my own foibles.
And I'll share what I told kc about Erin's blog: Admitting its coolness is akin to a straight guy admitting he watches "Sex in the City."
BTW Ben, if you're Archie, does that mean kc is Betty and Erin is Veronica?
Sara, wow! Thank you for the compliment. How are you doing? Still in law school? In chicago? (You left the profession at the perfect time, by the way).
Yeah, George: Ben is Archie, Erin's Veronica and I'm Betty, which means you're Jughead.
Just kidding. I'm Velma — from that other cartoon.
I guess if I were a cartoon character, other than Rick Hunter, I'd be Bender from Futurama.
Unfortunatly, the closest I come to resembling a cartoon character is Peter Griffin.
I'd guess that I do a lot of stuff that's akin to a straight guy admitting he watches Sex in the City. (And if anyone asks, just say you watch it for the brief nudity. Yea, breasts!)
It used to bother me when people thought I was gay. Now I don't care.
Whaddya think, kc? Do I do a lot of such akin things?
Hi, Sara! It's very cool of you to announce your presence rather than lurk sneakily as I probably would've done.
As for cartoon characters -- a girl who hated me in high school used to call me Olive Oyl.
Wow! It's a copy editor reunion in here! Three survivors! Plus me, kind of.
KC still fights the good fight.
Sara, I'm going to shoot you an e-mail if it's the same.
KC: I can do Tuesday because I begged off from qt with my mom so I could work on Progress.
Yes, dear, you do a lot of things that cast doubt on your heterosexuality. It's one of your best qualities. You do all these effeminate things, and then when you do something butch it seems extra butch by contrast.
Ben, by the way, something is just wrong about that Archie pic right next to the words "Yea, breasts!"
Kim: Thank you.
Erin: Don't you think that's what he's thinking? That's the look on his face!
Puhlease. Archie is like the gayest dude in Riverdale.
Uh, oh my God, I just went to that Archie link. Is that why you changed your blog image, Benjie? Hehehehe!
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