We have an intern at work who looks like Marcie from "The Peanuts."
The Marcie resemblance was gleefully pointed out last night by a co-worker who spotted an image of Peppermint Patty hanging in my cubicle. "Oh my God," she screamed, "Marcie looks just like S!"
"Oh my God!" I screamed back. "She does!"
Then we danced around like Snoopy and Woodstock, tickled speechless by this discovery. It had been under our nose the whole time.
I know I have pointed out how other co-workers resemble famous people and how it makes work more fun and glamorous, but this Marcie-S doppelganger is really sublime, partly because we all worship S. She is the greatest intern ever. She started college at 15 or something and her IQ is bigger than all of ours combined. We know this because she humbly demonstrates it every day at work, plus she plays tango music on the accordion and studies Shakespeare. When she graduates from college we're hoping she'll be hired on as our boss.
The other reason the Marcie-S doppelganger is sublime is that S sort of acts like Marcie — the politeness, the loyalty, the modesty, the brains, the being bad at sports. Now if only I could get her to call me "Sir."
So would DA or JM be Charlie Brown? They both have the lack of hair, and both are blockheads.
I was reading on the Peanuts site that Marcie and Peppermint Patty are both secretly in love with Charlie Brown.
Um, OK. Sure.
I might be more like Lucy than PP. Here's a description of Lucy from the site:
Lucy Van Pelt works hard at being bossy, crabby and selfish. She is loud and yells a lot. Her smiles and motives are rarely pure. She's a know-it-all who dispenses advice whether you want it or not--and for Charlie Brown, there's a charge. She's a fussbudget, in the true sense of the word. She's a real grouch, with only one or two soft spots, and both of them may be Schroeder, who prefers Beethoven. As she sees it, hers is the only way. The absence of logic in her arguments holds a kind of shining lunacy. When it comes to compliments, Lucy only likes receiving them. If she's paying one--or even smiling--she's probably up to something devious.
Yeah, the way you laugh at people falling is kinda like the way Lucy amuses herself by yanking the football just before Charlie Brown kicks it.
I couldn't afford a nickel. Which is good, since you'll have to do as my security blanket.
OK. Hehe. Here is the profile of Linus:
Linus Van Pelt inspired the term "security blanket" with his classic pose. He is the intellectual of the gang, and flabbergasts his friends with his philosophical revelations and solutions to problems. He suffers abuse from his big sister, Lucy, and the unwanted attentions of Charlie Brown's little sister, Sally. He is a paradox: despite his age, he can put life into perspective while sucking his thumb. He knows the true meaning of Christmas while continuing to believe in the Great Pumpkin.
I must have hung out with a different gang. I’ve always been partial to Eeyore, or, as he would have it, eoR. Excuse me, I think I need to go look for my tail.
A Pooh fan! Hehe
But the Great Pumpkin is real.
That's a dead-on description of the best intern ever.
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