I don't need a $19 DVD/VCR combo or a game console, so instead of going shopping yesterday, I took Mabel and Rupert to the offleash/gay-cruising park. And — wouldn't you know it? — it was the busiest trysting day of the year. You think there are a lot of cars in that picture? By the time I left, there were twice that many, and they kept coming.
And they weren't there to play Frisbee golf — the course was dead empty, despite 70-degree weather — and they weren't there to walk their dogs — Mabel and Rupert were the only four-legged critters in sight. They were there — bless their hearts — to fornicate in the woods like jackrabbits, as evidenced by the steady stream of single men entering and leaving the trails. Two of them commented on my dogs. One very happy-looking gentleman said, "Those are some nice dogs." Another fellow said, somewhat mysteriously, "Maybe you should get some bigger dogs."
Being a cynic, my first thought was, "All these guys' wives got up at the crack of dawn to do battle at Wal-Mart for $6 toasters and an assortment of stocking stuffers, while these guys dashed to the park to frolic away Black Friday in some sylvan grove." (God, sometimes I really wish I were a gay man).

Dammit! See, if I could've made it up this weekend, I could have showed off my new nursing outfit at the park! D'oh!
G, that park could certainly use more bears, if you know what I mean.
Oh yeah! I'd forgotten about that.
When you come down to Oklahoma, though, we can take a trip to one of the state's best parks: Beavers Bend.
Beavers Bend? Are you joking? Is that a venue of reckless shopping or reckless trysting?
Well, it looks like this guy is more interested in wood.
I wondered when the Barberini Faun would make an appearance on your blog.
If that is the offleash/gay-cruising park, why don’t you give a report from the onleash/gay-cruising park where the BDSM crowd hangs out?
And by the way, what do the poor boys do when it is icy and windy?
Erin, remember how Little Edie referred to that guy as "the marble faun"? This is my marble faun. Hehe (I'm a little more literal minded than LE)
DW, I don't know what they do. I'll ask.
Onleash? DW, that is awesome.
There have been a lot of men at the park recently. A friend of mine made an interesting comment when we went there with the dogs:
The holidays are coming. People want companionship, however fleeting.
I was slightly dismissive of her theory at the time, but I think she may be onto something quite profound.
KC - You can be a gay man. If you want to. It is just a matter of semantics.
But what does a person do if they want to be more than semantically a gay man?
Long time no see, Billy.
If you are saying something like mind over matter, gender over sex, desire over biology, then I agree with you.
I don't know how anyone — straight, gay, male, female — could look at the Barberini Faun and not have a visceral reaction to its beauty.
I have a visceral reaction to it, but I wouldn't call it beautiful.
And that's not because it's a man -- you know I find certain men beautiful -- it just has some characteristic that I can't put into words. It isn't beautiful to me, it just is. In an existential sort of way. As though it always existed, and no artist created it. Like the universe, only eroticker.
KC, Ben - I am much more of a gay guy than anything else. And remember sex and gender are two very different things. Don't feel as though you have to choose one over the other. Sexwise my parts say I am a girl, but every gent walking out of a public bathroom seems to have a clear knowledge of which door I should go in.
I have a friend who was asexual for many years. I worked up the courage to ask her about it recently and she said, I just didn't feel like I could ever find someone for me. Since I was a small child I always thought of myself as a boy, as a gay boy. I wanted to be a boy and fall in love with other boys."
I think that is absolutely beautiful. She made me understand what it means to be a gay boy in ways none of my gay male friends have. She also helped me understand what it means to be queer (as opposed to gay) because she doesn't have gay boy sex, she has radical, kick-ass queer sex.
(Am I allowed to say that on here?)
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