Kids these days.
I could just let this go. Only, where would it go? It would just circulate in my brain like a funnel cloud until it gathered enough velocity and debris to explode my head like a doublewide trailer.
So bear with me while I slowly release the pressure valve instead.
I mentioned yesterday that we have the greatest intern in the world: smart as a whip, hard-working, eager to learn, polite as hell.

Contrast what I observed yesterday with some other novices around the office — all student interns or recent grads. First up, at an office meeting a recent male grad is talking to a female intern. This male worker usually prefers to wire himself up to his iPod and not talk to anyone, but this female intern is very blonde and slender with an assortment of feminine charms. (It's been quite amusing to watch male staff members who are normally quite oblivious to etiquette line up to pay court with predictable blandishments like "I'd be happy to show you around" and "Don't hesitate if you need anything...") So this male worker and the female intern are discussing some mutual professional acquaintance, and the female says, "I learned so much from her." And the male, in an apparent attempt to display his virility, says, "Yeah, she's hot." The female laughs politely but with a hint of discomfort that the male, even if he lived a thousand years, would never pick up on. He thinks he has advanced in her estimation, while every woman in the room sees that he has been silently and permanently checked off her list.
That exchange is all wrong on many levels, but most of all it's unprofessional. Here's a tip for the gentlemen, young and old: Women are uncomfortable when you physically assess them or other women in the workplace. It makes them feel like your primary response to a woman is her fuckability. Is she hot or is she not? And when you excuse this behavior as something that all men do, it makes women feel even worse, because then there is a sense that all the men in the workplace are comparing notes, like during their downtime they are all participating in some Fantasy Female Harem League. Everyone feels attractions to various people; that's hardly new and hardly exclusive to men. Do us a favor and keep a lid on it at work.
One thing I like about S, the great intern, is that her curiosity and interest in our workplace doesn't come off as "networking." She's polite to me because she's a polite person, not because she thinks it'll get her somewhere. Compare the student intern who has the fake smile complete with an on-off switch, whose habitual standard is "good-enough," not "my best," whose "thank-yous" and "pleases," when proffered at all, ooze with self-serving insincerity, who has such an excess of cockiness from being the Big Man on Campus that he struts around the newsroom like a banty rooster, talking loudly and confidently and "expertly," a complete stranger to humility and quiet proof. Yesterday he was joined in his folly by an intern from the same school who brashly announced that she hoped to "get into a big market someday, but, hey, you gotta start at the bottom" — the bottom referring to the workplace of the seasoned professionals who were gracious enough to hire her.
Later in the evening I had to ask these two and another of their kind to turn down the volume on their childish conversation so that people doing work could work. They seemed genuinely surprised that there was even anyone else in the room — and then somewhat astonished that their riveting discussion was not well-received.
And then even later, when the banty rooster failed to perform an essential duty, I was forced to call his cell phone and was greeted by some ridiculously saccharin voice-mail message. As I expressed my annoyance at not being able to reach him, the recent male grad, who is a friend of his, said, "I'll send him an instant message for you. He'll respond to that."
Of course. An instant message. Why didn't I instantly think of that?
I said "Kids these days," but that's a cliche. S is a kid and she's supremely gracious. So, if not youth, what is at the root of all this brashness and "me-ness"? Are some people just like that? Will they smooth out with age? How deep does this shallowness go?
Some are; some are not. Some will; some will not. Deeper in some that others.
But in any case, you ought to write an etiquette column. Too often etiquette writing comes off sounding like fussy rule making by a bunch of stuffy busybodies. But you get to the core of the idea which is to create conditions where everybody can get along in peace and perhaps prosperity. First draft for a title: How to Stop being a Social Fuckup. Nothing stuffy or fussy.
So why no pic of the blonde intern?
Good idea, DW. I'd need a sobriquet.
G, how did you know the intern looked like that?? (RR was really chatting her up, by the way; it was a sight to behold).
Why is there no villain in Peanuts?
Those loud roosters and flirty blondes will go far. And that pisses me off. Cocky and loudly confident people are seen as go-getters and an asset to any office. Reminds me of someone we both have had the privledge of working with. Reminds me of a lot of people in the design business.
At least you live in the midwest. Many people from the NE are really loud and usually have a hard time being sublte and pollite.
Can you tell that I'm in a bad mood? Sorry.
Amy in a bad mood? You're like the chipperest person I know! (and I mean that in a good way).
I don't mind a little bit of cockiness in people, if they have the cock to back it up (so to speak).
If it's just image — just some bullshit "presentation" they learned along the way — that's when I have to plant tacks in their chairs.
YOU put that tack in my chair!!! You swore it wasn't you, but I should have known!
As far as Peanuts villains, there was Joe Agate in "He's a Bully, Charlie Brown."
Yes, yes, I suppose it's best to own up to it, now that we have the cushion of time and distance separating us from our rocky beginnings. I also take responsibility for putting sugar in your gas tank and telling the boss you were a raging alcoholic.
I don't remember Joe Agate, but he sure looks mean.
Amen! I am quite relieved not to work with any interns anymore.
These people give 20-somethings a bad name. I remember my dismay a few years ago when JM excused Marta's hideous behavior because, "well, she's only 22." I was also 22 at the time and was 1) embarrassed that some people might think Marta was representative of my age group, and 2) appalled that anyone would think 22-year-olds deserve such low standards of behavior.
I thought Marta was 14.
The men upstairs are OK, except for the boob conversation of July 2006, led by the "I can't help looking at other women even though I'm a married man now" JM.
They had a few lapses about the anchor who was here for about six months. The girl who replaced Josh. I can't say I cared for her, either. I'm immediately against people who walk around in their bare feet at work, plus one night when I was working, maybe for KC, the barefoot contessa was in charge of the TV crew and was CHEERING on an accident coming over the scanner because they'd have a lead for the 10 o'clock show.
A toddler was taken to the hospital.
KC, if I'm thinking of the same rooster, is it true that his stay has been extended past winter break into the spring semester?
Erin, you have always been delightfully precocious. At 2 or 22, you unfailingly put forth the best that your age group had to offer.
And Marta brought up the rear. She's the kind of person who will bumble into fame because she'll always instinctively know how to work weak men like JM — who won't even know that they're being worked.
It amazes me how far a bouncey set of boobs and a little flattery to the male ego will get some women! I think we've all heard the collective SCHWING! whenever a pretty intern walks in the door. It would be absolutely appalling if it weren't so amusing to watch all these pitiful yahoos carry on as if they stood a chance with some barely legal sexpot who has her pick of every young stud on campus.
cl, I like how you have "the boob conversation of July 2006" filed away in your memory. Hehe
"Barefoot contessa" is a brilliant name for her. She was a bit more mature than Marta, despite cheering over a toddler's injuries, but not as entertaining. Remember how Marta would throw a temper tantrum every single night? Hehe. And her clackety-clacking high heels on the wood floor (which I'm sure you preferred to the sticky soft patter of bare feet).
I don't know about the rooster's stay being extended. I shouldn't be surprised. He's absolutely brimming with the sort of bubbly mediocrity that intoxicates D.
I know I've been gone a long time when I don't know 80% of the co-workers you're discussing. Sigh. From what I'm reading, though, I'm probably better off not knowing them.
I thought I was just getting old. Sigh...
Weirder, though, is that I find that we're working in the same freakin' newsroom! We have a new guy on the copy desk, about 23, and although he failed the test we give, he appears to have enough brains that he probably plagiarized all the English essays for his entire fraternity. I had been trying like the dickens to figure out why we hired him when the executive editor walked by his desk one day and said, "Hey, [frat boy], how's your mother?"
Like Linus, I sigh again.
"The sticky soft patter of bare feet .."
Oh, god. I'm nauseous.
Sara, the turnover has been fierce. I think we're talking about people even George or Erin don't know.
Sharon, you're not old! As evidenced by the fact that you still use hip young expressions like "trying like the dickens."
Hehe. (I heart you!)
Yes, sh, as cl says, a few people have come and gone. Hell, last week we had a going-away cake for someone and I didn't even know the guy, except vaguely by name. Did you know him, cl? That Scott dude? The cake was good. Apparently he's going to live in a cabin in the Ozarks.
No fewer than three times did Scott pass me in the building and say, "I didn't catch your name ..."
I was hoping for a fourth time, when I could have said, "It's still Christy. Maybe if you don't know names by now, you should just bluff your way through."
The good news is that he won't have to learn any names to live in a cabin in the Ozarks.
A goodbye cake for someone you never really met. That's the best kind. Except maybe a goodbye cake for someone you're really happy to see leaving.
Somehow, methinks I've been made fun of. Harumph. But don't fret -- I didn't get my knickers in a twist, because I'm still younger than you!!!
(I heart you, too, though...)
I'm still younger than you!!!
What is this, "The View"?
Well, I'm closer to Rosie's size, but your hair looks more like The Donald's. (Now, now -- I didn't say it looks like The Donald's; I simply said it looks MORE like The Donald's than mine does...)
I have the sudden urge to Photoshop a picture of kc's face with Donald Trump's hair.
I guess I can't, seeing as how I don't have a portrait of kc nor Photoshop.
Oh my God. I'll ignore that.
Well, I don't want to get in the middle of this since they are both close personal friends, but I have to say if this contest of wit were judged on who has the hottest wife Rosie would win hands down.
New blog content, please.
Hehe. Coming up. I've been out of town.
I second Amy's comment.
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