Last night I noticed a trait in a co-worker that endeared her to me even further: If you ask her a question and she doesn’t know the answer, she will substitute some random information to fill the void.
For example, we were talking about an item in the paper regarding Dr. Seuss. Specifically, we were discussing his name: Theodor Seuss Geisel (please notice there is no final “e” on his first name). I asked, “Where is he from?” And my co-worker said, “I don’t know, but his wife’s name is Audrey.”
From anyone else, this answer would have annoyed me. But from her, it was an insight into her charm.
“Why are you giving me some random trivia as a substitute for the information I asked for?” I say.
“What?” she asks.
“I asked where he was from, and you gave me his wife’s name,” I say. “I just realized you do that all the time.”
Her reply to this: “Did you know his middle name is actually pronounced ‘Soyce’?”
I let this non-sequitur pass.
Then I say, “It sounds like he should be from Vienna or somewhere — with the ‘Dr.’ and the ‘Sound of Music’-sounding name.”
And she says, “He’s from Springfield, Massachusetts.”
At last. The answer to my question, which she must have looked up as she was enriching my life with Seuss trivia.
I think she delivers random information so as not to disappoint, to not be empty-handed when something is wanted from her. She doesn’t just sit there and bore you with every thought in her head like some people do. She’s actually pretty quiet. But if you ask her a question and she doesn’t know the answer, she’ll console you with interesting tidbits until she can satisfy you.
This is the same person who, when her husband calls, unfailingly answers the phone with a great big “Hi, Honey!” And ends the conversation with an equally enthusiastic “Bye, Honey!”
I love this more than I can say, especially because I know he is not much of a honey and is usually just calling to ask her what’s in the refrigerator he is standing right in front of.
This is the same person who leaps up in her cubicle, gets everyone’s attention by waving her hands, then makes an announcement like: “Zsa Zsa’s husband, Prince Frederic Von Anhalt (she knows her European royalty inside out, going back to the dawn of the Hapsburg dynasty), wanted to adopt Anna Nicole Smith to make her a princess. But Zsa Zsa said no.” Then she will titter and flap her elbows with glee at the incredible silliness of human beings. This is especially amusing because were her own husband to ask whether he could adopt his stripper mistress, she would not only sign on the dotted line, but would happily describe the contents of the refrigerator to the helpless, hungry lovebirds.
This is the same person whom I can hear sobbing in her cubicle when she reads a story about animal abuse.
This is the same person who occasionally brings a loaf of Wonder bread and a container of margarine to share with her co-workers. And everyone laps it up like it’s caviar.
This is the same person who eats potato chips that have been sitting opened in the newsroom for three days. I know it’s because she doesn’t want the potato’s death to have been in vain.
This is the same person who NEVER calls in sick — out of sheer consideration for her co-workers. Others will stay home with a runny nose, but she will be there with an ailment she could arguably be hospitalized for.
Why is she so giving? If I asked her, she’d probably say, “I don’t know, but Harry Belafonte turns 80 tomorrow!”
Oh, my god. Where did you get that great sketch? Did you do that?
This is the same person who brings Chicken in a Biskit to work parties.
This is the same person who can tie any story back to her 2002 visit to the House of Spam in Minnesota.
This is the same person who made little Hannukah presents for our Jewish co-workers during the Christmas festivities.
This is the same person who celebrates Groundhog Day by bringing in a stuffed woodchuck to the office, because she does not have a stuffed groundhog.
This is the same person who is one of my favorite, favorite people in the whole world.
For a while, when we worked the same schedule, I realized that our 40-plus hours a week meant I spent more time with her than anybody else in my life. Which was OK, even when she was chewing nicotine gum like a madwoman.
Now it's fun, if nostalgic, to hear one of her random facts or declarations float up to the second floor, where I try to piece together how the conversation had begun.
Yes, I did the sketch — from memory, mind you, which I know is hard to believe based on the highly detailed likeness.
But this is the same person who would probably feel uncomfortable having her picture taken, although she would let me do it if she thought it would make me happy.
Is this a person I've met? If not, I want to meet her. If so, I want to get to know her better!
You have had dinner with her at my house. And cake at Christmas. I consider it an insult to my artistic talent that you pretend not to recognize her!
I'm just real glad to know that the sketch is of this wonderful woman and not Harry Belafonte. :)
Shut up, Sharon! You're next!
I'll always remember the wrappers all over her desk: from all the nicotine gum she chewed whenever she was trying to quit smoking, or from the burritos from the vending machines she was brave enough to eat.
And no matter how stupid my pun was, she ALWAYS laughed the hardest.
That's the best portrait ever! I knew exactly who it was.
In case it wasn't clear from cl's comment, the woodchuck — it's not a groundhog? — is an ACTUAL taxidermied critter, not a toy stuffed animal. Said co-worker bought it to display in her house because she could not find a suitable floral arrangement.
George, you'll be happy to know that she hasn't smoked in ages, but, alas, she still chews the gum. In my sketch, I tried to convey her gum chewing in the way I drew her mouth, but I'm sure that was obvious (hehe).
Ever health-conscious, she's also dieting — but by a calorie count only. She doesn't limit what she eats, just how much. Wednesday she came in with a big bag of Art and Mary's hot jalapeno potato chips, carefully poured out a couple of servings on a paper plate and snacked on them throughout the evening as most dieters would graze on carrots and celery and such. I love that.
You make me so nostalgic. Both sketches (the picture and the character) are great.
Thanks, Sara. I wish I worked with her more than one day a week.
Okay, time for Waldorf part three!
By the way, I knew who this was about, I just wasn't sure.
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