If you have a stuffed-up nose, try this: Eat a handful of Wasabi Coated Green Peas. Then another handful. You won't believe it.
Throw out all those yucky decongestants and get over to the Asian Mart or the hippy store and buy some magic peas. Now.
They not only work like Drano in your sinusways, but they have the related benefit of having such a strong flavor that you can taste them when your cold won't let you taste any other food. And because your sense of taste is still somewhat muted, you can enjoy a lot of them without any pain. Normally I can only eat five or six individual peas before my eyes well with tears and my body begs me to stop. But I'm on my fifth or sixth handful now and just have a very, very pleasant feeling of warmth, even though smoke is pouring from my nostrils and my singed nose hairs are setting off my fire alarms.
Why didn't I think of this before?
Maybe if I eat the whole bag now and another for dinner, my body will work up an immunity to the heat so that I will be able to enjoy these tiny savories all the time and not just when I'm under the weather.
If you need to build up a tolerance, that just means you need to eat more sushi.
Mmmm ... salmon skin roll ...
Oh my God, I was this close (imagine my thumb and forefinger just millimeters apart) to getting a Sean Connery for dinner with a huge mound of wasabi, but I ended up at the Merc instead (with a salmon dill kugel and roasted brussels sprouts and some echinacea tea).
cl, is supposed to go to the W-A with me next week.
When my financial check comes in, the first place I'm going is to get some sushi.
Mmmmmm, wasabi.
Glad to hear that my taxpayer dollars are subsidizing low-interest loans for you to dine out on.
(I did notice a fair number of welfare recipients at that sushi joint in Wichita. Must have been check-arrival day).
That sounds tasty with rice ... cold or no cold.
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