George, I'd like to see you sass this white lady!
She's not gentle and forgiving like me. And a mere "sorry" would just get you a nip on the nose — not like the playful nips I give you, either; there'd be blood.
My parents have had Molly (a Christmas present from me — O irony!) for only six weeks and she is now the unchallenged head of the household, wielding her authority mercilessly and indulging her whims immoderately. You'd think her ancestors were the emperors of Rome and not a line of humping bumpkins from the backwoods of Kansas. Wait. Scratch imperial Rome. Her behavior is closer to a more modern set of fascist dictators: Imelda Marcos (the foot fetish); Eva Peron (illusions of grandeur); Kim il-Jong (lunatic hair); Idi Amin (complete madness of the Dark Continent military variety).
I should have known when I agreed to watch her for five days that, along with her rawhides and chew-toys and hot-pink accessories, she would bring a bloody reign of terror.
The signs were there. To quote my prescient self from the last time I wrote about this changeling: Probably next time I visit Molly will bark ferociously at me and try to run me off. And my parents will take her side and give her a treat. Remember that?

"The book says you should never have a fight with a Westie."
"Why's that?" I ask on cue.
"BECAUSE THEY ALWAYS WIN," she says with awe, surrendering herself to the "teachings" of her dog book like a literal-minded evangelical to the grim, ancient words of the Old Testament. Don't worship false idols. Don't have premarital sex. Don't covet your neighbor's wife. Don't dance to the Devils' music. And whatever you do, don't get in a fight with a Westie.
So now my parents are tiptoeing around Molly, fearful of provoking her Jehovah-like wrath — which condition, of course, doesn't preclude, but only enhances, their utter and sincere worship of her.
They have been gone only since Friday, and already I have gotten two phone calls and an urgent e-mail proclaming how much they miss her and asking for every detail of her dog days. How many times did she bless my house with her cute little poops? Is she eating enough? Did I remember her treats? Isn't she the most darling thing that ever lived? Are Mabel and Rupert being sufficiently worshipful?
In answering this last question, I am a bit evasive. Well, actually, I totally lie. I say something like, "They're getting along fine. I think Mabel and Rupert really enjoy her." In truth, they are avoiding her like the plague — worse than the plague even (George, what is worse than the plague? Have you gotten to Medieval medical horrors yet in nursing school?). They are afraid, I believe, that if they associate with her they will be blamed for her bits of mischief (the torn-up plants, the chewed-up shoes, the failure to honor thy parents, the incessant toe biting and sock stealing). Mabel can say certain English words and phrases like "tomorrow" and "I love you" and the whole first verse of "The Star-Spangled Banner." This morning, after Molly nipped her several times on the face, I saw Mabel conspiring in a corner with Rupert, and I distinctly heard her say — with perfect Black Muslim intonation — "Kill Whitey!"
I swear.
So now the dogs are segregated. And the black separatists are talking armed rebellion while the white supremacist, brought up to believe the Establishment's in her corner, is plotting her next show of force.
Here's a sample of what I'm dealing with until Wednesday. Imagine a soundtrack of high-pitched, incessant barking and the sassy growling of an egomaniac who can't get enough of looking at herself in the mirror:

Aaaaagh! I want a Westie!
Molly is the greatest pup ever!
You didn't read a word I wrote, did you?
Ben likes to be dominated by small white creatures.
That's hilarious. I especially like half your foot in her tiny mouth. This sounds just like how Maggie terrorized our house when we first got her. Eventually we accepted it.
But, oh! What a cutie pie!
You guys are nutjobs. The cuteness is the curse, not the redemption! Can't you see that??? Open your eyes.
Erin, are you the small white creature in question?
I get the feeling that if you take the three of them to the dog park one of them's not coming back! Mabel's going to bury senorita blanca in the disc golf course.
And how 'bout necrotizing fasciitis for worse than the plague?
Geraldo, get up here and practice Spanish with me!
Tomorrow after class I'm taking the three buttheads to the park. I'll let you know which ones survive.
Right now, indeed, the two smart ones are avoiding Molly like necrotizing fasciitis, although Mabel and Molly did sit next to each other during the L-Word. In this particular horrid episode there were several animal scenes, so Mabel taught Molly how to get insanely mad at the TV.
You're supposed to be headin' south, remember? Then I can treat you to some authentic Mexican in addition to introducing you to a spicy cowboy.
Hmmm. I prefer children and dogs to be well-behaved.
Those pink accessories might be aggravating her delusions of grandeur.
There's our murse! Love the new site.
My only experience with terriers was with a Jack Russell. This dog had an absolutely insane amount of energy, but was friendly and egalitarian. I shudder to think what it would be like if it had intended world domination.
I’m giving ten to one on the Westie. Any takers?
Hey, why did we become anonymous?
The new blogger made you and erin anonymous.
I guess that's why it's "new and improved," because it fucks things up.
Remember when I said, "maybe you should remove the plants from the bathroom?"
Yes! Damn Molly!
You should have seen her at the dog park. She went nuts trying to keep up with the big dogs. She was so muddy! I had to scrub her in the tub when we got home.
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