I have been blogging for one year today.
I started on a lark. More or less.
I got the idea from George and Christy.
George doesn't blog anymore. Christy does in secret.
After I wrote my first post, I told Erin and Ben to look. They seemed surprised. Ben said the voice of the post didn't sound like my voice. I don't know what he meant.
Erin asked what possessed me to start a blog. I said it was a relationship substitute.
In my second post, I wrote this: "The handful of people I told about this blog seemed surprised that I even started a blog and that I wrote about what I did. One person, acting disappointed, said she expected it to be funny."
I don't remember now who that person was. Erin?
I also wrote: "Having a blog is totally anathema to my personality. I am morbidly private."
I am less private now. I have typed things on this blog that I have yet to say out loud to another person.
Rick said I should add pictures. I did. And "recent comments." I haven't.
He said I should have a permanent link to the first post, which explains the blog's title, "walls without mirrors."
It seemed like a good idea. But I haven't done it.
A wall without a mirror reflects a deeper kind of vanity. And a fear of blankness.
That is probably too obvious to need explanation.
I wasn't sure how long it would last. Or how often I could make myself write. I haven't written every day, or even every other day. I've written every three and a half days, on average.
I could do worse.
But I'll try to do better.
Thanks for reading.
What a year!
You need a theme, like a yearbook. "Beyond the Lines"? "Beneath the Surface"?
"What's Bruin"?
Or a greatest hits recap. I'm thinking Mrs. Cyr, the Burberry condom, the cereal box questionairre, the whistler ...
I think everybody knows this, but I blog in secret because both my mother and a colleague-turned-supervisor were reading my old one.
Questionnaire. I have to say, I'm slipping this week.
So how do you have an online party?
Should you have a new year’s resolution? A list of ten things you never thought about blogging but will this year?
You could always do some year-ago-today posts where you revisit whatever you posted on that date last year. This post is sort of like that, isn’t it?
So I doubt that after one year you will ever have that link to the first post. But how about a subtitle? I love that line “a deeper kind of vanity”.
That might have been me who expected it to be funny. Luckily, you have not disappointed me in the ensuing months.
I love this blog. But here's my confession: I don't really "get" the whole walls-without-mirrors thing.
This is where the title came from (my first post), for what it's worth.
Then one day, a few years later — maybe I was 12 or so — I was walking down the hall and turned, just before going in my room, to vainly check myself out in the mirror. But instead of seeing my reflection I saw nothing. There was nothing where I should have been. It was like my gaze had gone straight through the white wall or had been bounced back into my own abyss. There were no boundaries. No surfaces. No definition. No moment in time. No reflection. I was a vampire. And it took me an eternal moment to realize that my mom had taken down the mirror to polish its frame. And since then, I have associated walls without mirrors with glimpses of my own self-conscious nothingness.
It's personal, I guess. Like a band name. Or a deep nonsensical memory.
I can't imagine that anyone in the whole blogosphere has a better blog than this. Yours is by far the best I've seen, and that's really saying something, considering how good mine is! No, wait, I mean considering how good Erin's, George's, and cl's are/were.
By the way, I'm pretty sure I understand the title of your blog. As I think you know, I have a lot of trouble with metaphor and analogy (really any literary device), so I had to really think hard to understand it.
Maybe someday I'll write a blog that you don't argue with.
Great subtitle!
love. love. love the blog.
keep it up another year and beyond!
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