For more than a year now one of my absolute favorite things has been to read installments of Erin's kid diary — a chronicle of her life from age 12 through her early college years.
And now that pleasure has come to an end. She posted the last entry yesterday.
Already I feel a big gaping hole where a daily amusement used to be. I wonder how long I'll automatically click on my "Kid Erin" link, only to realize as the page is loading that there will be nothing new there — no new crushes, no new travails, no new happiness, no new heartache, no new forks in the road that most girls travel from boy crazy to crazy boy.
I think those of us who have enjoyed the sticker-and-doodle-laden tableaux of her youth should encourage her to start another diary — to record in equal measure the wonders and commonplaces of her young adulthood and make it available in her dotage, like a Madame de Sevigny of central Kansas, a Pepys of the prairie.
We should at the very least thank her. She'd enjoy a toast, I'm sure, even though the attention would embarrass her.
So here's my little offering: Thanks for sharing the Awkward Years, Erin. It's been a treat to get a window into your past — and the past of others who were inspired to share by the example of your frankness. Mostly when we make friends with other adults all we ever know about their "life before" is a trickle of info here and there, mostly self-serving, mostly ill-remembered. We never get real-time accounts of the sort that enable us to say things like "Remember when you cried in the bathroom because Isrrael wouldn't dance with you?" and to almost feel that we were there.
Last night I thought about how we could prolong the pleasure of what Erin has shared with us, like an Oscars for "best Erin lines" and "most memorable moments," but of course, teenage Erin wasn't writing for a future audience to weigh in on her and her actions. Thanks for continuing to share with us, even if we (I?) sometimes responded like this was a Choose Your Own Adventure novel in which we should all take a vote on what you do next.
I have too many favorite lines to settle on one. But I will say one that sticks out, because I've adopted it as my mantra, is: "I think during spring break I'll concentrate more on having fun instead of trying to figure everything out."
I also highly enjoyed: "You know, I was thinking about who I would like completely out of my life."
And: "I also am a incredible bitch most of the time ... Even my dad says I have a rotten personality."
And: "I mean why shouldn't Isrrael love me? I've got naturally wavey dark hair."
And: "Dominic told me that Isrrael said I would be a good lay ... You'd think I'd be mad but I wasn't. I was almost flattered."
And (of Toby): It's so very depressing. But it's so great."
And: "I saw Toby and Valeire holding fingers. I wanted to kill myself."
And: "I've got ALIVE and Sara's got Laura Ingalls Wilder."
Aggghh! I have to stop now before I obsess all afternoon. But remember when Erin wrote (about ALIVE), "I don't think I'm obsessed. If I am, oh well. I like being obsessed." Hehe
Thank you, thank you. It has been a lot of fun. Embarrassing, but fun.
It was fun while it lasted. :(
There aren't many (any?) real diaries from our generation available for public consumption. This is the only one I've ever come across. And while sometimes it read like a young adult novel written as a diary, it was so much better, because it didn't follow a plot outline and the characters weren't sketched out in advance. The authenticity of it made for fascinating reading. Thanks, Erin.
I kept a diary sporadically from the time I was about 7 (bad spelling and lots of bad sketches) until 22 or so. But no way would I ever have cajones enough to post any entries on the internets. Still, though, I wish other people would. Erin is a special kind of brave.
Oh come on, Sara, give us a snippet from your grade school diary!
Erin wrote in hers: "They said Isrrael would go out with me if I let them read my diary. Oh sure. My entire pathetic life would be all over the school in 5 minutes."
Just think, Sara. Your entire, pathetic life could be all over the Internets in like 5 seconds!
You make it sound so appealing.
No way.
Whatever! You don't think getting to go out with Isrrael would make it worth it??
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