Sally: (standing in cubicle) OK, how many times have you run out of gas in, say, the past year?
Erica: I've never run out of gas.
Me: Me either. (Wishing cl were present for a diverse point of view).
Jason: (indecipherable mumbling)
Sally: Todd has run out of gas three times in the past MONTH!
[Todd is the stepkid who lives on Sally's couch. He is 18, has no job, no ambition, but apparently has lots of places to go in the car — that is, the brand-new car that his dad, Sally's husband, bought for him while Sally continued to commute late at night in a jalopy. He also runs up three-digit phone bills talking to a girl he was "in love with a few years ago." Sally surmises this girl is NOW about to turn 15.]
Erica: Wow.
Me: Wow.
Jason: (puts his iPod headphones back on)
Sally: I hate that kid.
Me: I enjoy when parents are honest about their feelings for their children.
Sally: That kid needs some honesty. His real mother, Linda, told me, "Well, it's his house, too. He can do what he wants." I said 'think again,' and we got into it; now she's in therapy. Then Todd's therapist called her and said, "This kid has never had any rules in his life; he's a timebomb waiting to explode." Now Linda's on medication after hearing that.
Roger: (walks up) Who's a timebomb?
Me: Sally's son.
Erica: Stepson.
Sally: He ran out of gas three times in a MONTH.
Me: He's 18 and doesn't have a job.
Roger: Why doesn't he have a job?
Sally: His dad won't make him get one.
Me: Why doesn't he live with his mom?
Sally: She's too fragile; plus, his dad lets him do whatever he wants.
Roger: He's too big to bend over your knee, huh?
Sally: His dad would kill me if I laid a finger on him.
Me: You could poison his food.
Sally: If I had known all this shit was going to happen, I wouldn't have given him any food. I WOULD HAVE STARVED THE LITTLE MOTHERFUCKER OUT!
[General applause. Work resumes.]
Sally is quite the extraordinary gal!
Oh, that is awesome. Poor "Sally" probably thought she was almost home-free on the stepkids!
I only run out of gas when Erin's on hand to rescue me.
I'm amazed that Sally didn't strangle those kids years ago. Not to mention her husband.
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