Erin and I are on a pie roll. Here's the banana cream pie we made last weekend, using Rick's mom's crust recipe and Martha Stewart's filling recipe. It was delightful. We ate the first piece while watching "The Fellowship of the Ring." In true Hobbit fashion, Erin suggested that we have Second Pie soon thereafter. Having a pie around to feast on for several days is really life at its best! Next up is chocolate or coconut cream.
Watching "The Fellowship of the Ring" put me in a Tolkien mood, so I started reading "The Hobbit" a couple of days ago. I hadn't read it since high school at the urging of an English teacher. I liked it then, but there was no way I was able to truly appreciate it — fabulous lines like "one morning long ago in the quiet of the world, when there was less noise and more green" and "Bilbo was sadly reflecting that adventures are not all pony-rides in May sunshine." And the fact that Hobbits love to eat and drink — a "big jug of coffee had just been set by the hearth" and mince-pies and buttered scones and seedcakes and pints of beer and ale. How delicious — in every regard.
In less tasty news, a new guy at work apparently can't walk without snapping his fingers, and it's making me homicidal. The count now is three whistlers, one nail clipper, two hummers/singers, two talks-way-too-loud, two gum poppers, one shares-too-much-personal-information, one talks-almost-exclusively-in-cliches-from-at-least-10-years-ago, and one Republican. It's almost like someone looked around and said, "Hey, we should get a guy who snaps his fingers while he walks, to further diversify our cavalcade of annoyance."
But let's end on a happy morsel. Here are some beautiful biscotti Rick made for me. He also gave me a bag of home-made peanut brittle, but I ate that before I could get a picture.

I'm thinking about resurrecting my Tolkien obsession. It seems like it's about time.
I've got a woman in my office who walks through the halls manically clicking her ballpoint pen. It's absolutely ridiculous.
You don't often hear people talking about "resurrecting" obsessions. That's what I like about you.
Ballpoint clicking is tedious. Reminds me of that guy here who used to twirl his pen in meetings. I think one time you said you wanted to slap it out of his damn hand. I think your violent impulse was inspired by a combination of the twirling with his saying something especially asinine.
I forgot to mention the two drum-their-fingernails-on-any-available-surface people and the one everything-reminds-me-of-something-from-a-movie-or-song-from-the-'80s-which-I'll-now-quote.
Good food is so good, and you can tell that Tolkien had a great appreciation for it.
Pen twirling, yes. At least it's quiet. But you better not say anything stupid while you're doing it.
Ooh, there should be a sniglet (or word fugitive, as The Atlantic calls it) for an annoying behavior that by itself is just tolerable but when combined with a second annoying behavior creates a homicidal urge in sensible onlookers.
I can't hear the snapping, and I miss the nail clipper terribly since he was one of our best reporters.
I broke down last week and told T I was concerned he would break a tooth on the pen he was gnawing. I think I sounded quite convincing that his welfare was my main concern. I just couldn't take it anymore. But he said he HAS broken a tooth on a pen and accidentally squirted ink in his mouth as a child, and so now I think it would be in his interest if I pointed out whenever he was pen-chewing. It's really loud. I mean, imagine gumming on a pair of brass knuckles. That's how it sounds.
Speaking of newsroom noise, why is Cody turning into such a sailor? Did I hear "motherfucker" today?
Also, Jon will only sing like Aaron Neville, but it's kind of charming.
Erin, I click pens. It feels so good. You can just click instead of emote. Click-click-click-click-click. Or, I need to finish this page in five minutes! Click-click-click-click. So useful.
There's another clipper besides the one you're thinking of!
No pen chewing, unless it's silent!
I know what you mean about Cody. Potty-mouths don't bother me at all, but it does bother me when a potty-mouth is tolerated in a man but scolded in a woman. Our man in charge can abide ungentlemanly behavior apparently, but not "unladylike" behavior. And that sucks.
The co-worker next door sat in his office and whistled made-up tunes for an hour yesterday. That was on top of the classical music CD he was playing.
Man, some people would explode if they had to sit in a quiet room with just their thoughts.
And how old do you have to be, really, before you can monitor your own public behavior by asking yourself, "Am I doing something that might be really annoying to the people around me? Am I being respectful of their right to work in peace? Or am I being distracting and inconsiderate?" I mean, how hard is that?
I caught the snapper today! Like a mountain lion sighting or something.
Hehe. If only it were that rare, hon!
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