Today is Shakespeare's birthday; well, the day it's celebrated anyway. No one really knows exactly when he was born. They know only that he was baptized on April 26, 1564, and figured that he must have come into the world just a few days prior. (In those days of lingering Catholicism and high infant mortality rates, people were quick to baptize their kids so they'd go to heaven if they died right away.) There's also the matter of discrepancy between the Julian and Gregorian calendar, which complicates the birthday matter further.
But, for all practical purposes, today is the big day for Shakespeare dorks. Bonus: April 23 is also the day he died, in 1616.
In celebration, I bought myself a present: "Shakespeare's Words: A Glossary & Language Companion," a hefty book that I've been petting and ogling for several weeks now. It's delightful. Not only is it a great source for every word in his work, but it also has fantastic sections on, for example, every plant mentioned in Shakespeare, every weapon and type of clothing, every archaism, every curse and insult ("Thou lump of foul deformity!" "Thou incestuous, murderous, damned Dane," "You starveling, you elf-skin, you dried neat's tongue, you bull's pizzle, you stock-fish!"); explanations of usage, such as when "thou" is used instead of "you." Plus it has a chronology of the plays, complete with a synopsis of each one and a graphic representation of character interactions. Sweet!
kc, way to celebrate, you wild and crazy girl.
Reminds me of how J.K. Rowling just took someone to court over their attempt to publish a "Harry Potter dictionary" with similar content to what you describe.
When i heard the story I realized Rowling has no idea what a compliment it is to have someone pour over and categorize your work like that and then have other people buy the book just so they can see your writing in all it's cross-sectioned glory.
Why sue such a fan? She's a greedy bitch, that's the only explanation I can find.
Hehe. You mock my sense of fun! What you don't know, smart aleck, is that I am poring over this volume with a stein of mead and a lusty wench who, from time to time, whispers bawdy verses in my amused ear.
Rowling! I know! And she should be doubly honored because while she has her charms as a writer, she scarcely deserves the scrutiny Shakespeare gets. I have read that the only work of literature that has had more written about it than "Hamlet" is the Bible. Now that's something to aspire to, isn't it?
And another thing: I would totally go to church if my minister used expressions like "greedy bitch." Totally.
Happy belated birthday, bard!
I love the insults, you bull's pizzle.
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