I tried to watch the film "Beg" on my day off, but it was too weird. I needed Rick to help me see what was so great about it. It had won some indie film awards. Rick's like a weird-film aficionado. Weird as in strikingly odd, strange, bizarre, fantastic, to the point of annoying others. I was annoyed by "Beg" because I didn't get it. It's like Abstract Expressionism; I need someone to explain to me why it's so awesome, and when they do, I usually agree that it is indeed awesome.
One thing that tickles me about Rick is how seriously he takes film. He treats it like the art form it is. I can't walk into a movie even 30 seconds late because I feel like I will miss something crucial. Everything is crucial. It'd be like going to a museum to see a Picasso and having part of it hidden behind a curtain. Rick appreciates that quirk of mine because he shares it.
He wrote the guest post below about his favorite films. Many of them — "Blue," "Dead Man," "The Unbelievable Truth" — are my favorite films, too, and they were even before we met and/or talked about them as such. This makes me feel a special kinship with him. Other movies on his list I have never seen, but I plan to because I know they will be worth my time — and because then I won't feel so left out of his and George's new life together.
The Web site "Filmaffinity" has been mentioned on this blog a few times now, and for those who don't know, it is a site where you rate a bunch of movies and then, by some obscure algorithm, you are matched up with 20 “soul mates” who share (in varying degrees) your tastes in film. The site has some good extras, like a parallel to the set of soul mates composed of your friends and the option to create sundry lists of movies for others to see. So far, most of the people on the site seem to be Spanish, but I'm doing my part to plug it in North America.
As expected, the site has led me to some interesting movies I might never have seen otherwise. And of course I get the smug satisfaction of knowing that my ever-brilliant soul mates despise most of the same all-salt, all-fat, all-sugar, no-spice, no-bitterness, baby-food-textured Hollywood fast-food product that I despise. (OK, I can see why people might like having sycophants.) Besides these goodies, there have also been some effects that I didn’t expect. I want to talk about one of those here. And it starts with the idea of rating movies.
People like lists of the best things. Or at least they like to argue over such lists. I can remember — sort of remember — many an undergrad bull session where there were beer-fueled arguments over “the greatest _____.” Always included were the greatest bands, the greatest songs, the greatest guitarists, and maybe a few other music lists. If the group was mostly or entirely guys, then the lists might soon veer off into the greatest quarterbacks, or the hottest actresses or supermodels. But if there were some women present, we had a better chance of getting to the greatest movies. I wish I could report what the contenders were. But at this remove of time and space, I can do no more than assure you that the proposals were at least as dismal as you would expect from a noisy crowd of drunken 20-year-olds.
Perhaps also created for purposes of argument, various movie critics, magazines, and organizations have put out “the 100 best movies” list. I think there is some sort of union rule requiring the list to be 100 titles long. (I’ll look into that). But I don’t care for these lists. Is “Citizen Kane” really the greatest movie ever made? Well now, thanks to Benjamin Schwarz of The Atlantic Monthly, I have a good answer to that question. No, the greatest movie ever made is Orson Welles’ next movie, “The Magnificent Ambersons.”

OK, now that we are done with that best-ever nonsense, let’s go back to Filmaffinity and favorite films. Over the last year I’ve rated 1,172 movies on the site. They have many more than that, of course, and they are sadly missing some very good, if obscure, ones. But they have a big chunk of the movies you have a hope of finding. This site has been yet another case of the Internet showing me something I didn't know before, but this time it is about myself. Before last year, if you had asked me what my favorite movies were, I’d have given you a few titles that would vary depending on my mood and recollection of the moment. But now I have something approaching a systematic answer to the question. I’ve tried to be very stingy with the highest rating, so out of 1,172 movies, 27 got a “10,” which is just over 2 percent.
Armed with such an objective list, do I now know anything about what it takes to become one of my favorite movies? Maybe not. The list is kind of odd, even to my eyes. Is that a good thing? Should I proudly be an iconoclast? Even for that my credentials look weak. There are, for instance, a few of the perennials that grow very high on the 100 greatest lists. “The Godfather” seems to make almost everyone’s list, and “Sunset Boulevard” is almost as common. (George gives both of these a “10” as well). I also have films that are found at lower elevations on those lists but always seem to be there. Some of these are classic icons that seem as necessary as bits of geography. How could we live in a world that didn't have “The Seventh Seal”? Might as well imagine that we didn’t have Sweden at all.
Looking at my films, some might say I'm into minimalism. And, in a way, that might be true. One of my movies is “Pickpocket” by the French New Wave filmmaker Robert Bresson. He is often considered a minimalist because he used non-actors and refused to let them do things that we often consider to be acting. He required them to keep their hands at their sides, to give their lines in an inflection more like reading than speaking, and to look down at the floor and then back at the camera so as to disrupt their facial expressions. He might also be considered minimalist because the plot could, and sometimes was, summarized in the title of a film: “A Man, Condemned to Death, Escapes.”

I’ve two other films with a different kind of minimalism:

But not all my films are quiet. There is a movie that makes George’s list, which, if I see it again, might very well make mine. It is a maximally unquiet movie: Emir Kusturica's “The Underground.” The first Kusturica that I saw was “Black Cat, White Cat.”

Lest you think that only artsy think-pieces are on my list, I’ll leave you with the two musicals that make it: “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” and “Hedwig and the Angry Inch.”
DW, I like your list, though I haven't seen some of the titles. I liked all of Krzysztof Kieslowski's Blue/Red/White series, and I've seen most of the Decalogue project.
How about Luis Bunuel? I like his "Diary of a Chambermaid."
I really need to sign up for that site.
OK, entertaining site. I rated some movies in the prerecommended tour lists. I've only given two 10s so far ... The Philadelphia Story and The Shining.
Oh, and for TV, Twin Peaks, of course!
DW, I understand your feelings about RKO and its lack of appreciation for Welles' art, but I would really encourage you to see "The Magnificent Ambersons." Despite its studio cut, it really is, well, magnificent. I, too, hesitate to call "CK" the greatest movie ever made, but if you watch "Ambersons," you can see even better how "CK" was the wellspring of Welles' genius. (alliteration not intended)
After finishing up my film degree and moving into journalism, I sort of forgot about my love of foreign cinema. I started journalism by reviewing movies for a college audience, and I had to concentrate more on mainstream films, and because I was kind of burned out on films that it wasn't until just recently that Rick has rekindled something.
Definitely the best of what you mentioned as my favorites is "Underground." That was one that one of my film professors always raved about, so a friend of mine and I saw it on our own. We were blown away -- we had fun being pretentious in front of all the other film majors who hadn't seen it.
For two years after seeing it, it was my favorite film. Then it was "Fight Club." Now it's "American Splendor." It's strange how I can feel connected with a certain film, but then lose it over the years, like with "Fight Club," and how it shows how I've changed as a person.
I was annoyed by "Beg" because I didn't get it. It's like Abstract Expressionism; I need someone to explain to me why it's so awesome, and when they do, I usually agree that it is indeed awesome.
Okay, you guys probably all have already figured this out, but I'll tell you just in case: The reason I hate movies is that I've never seen one that I understand anything about, and it annoys me and makes me feel very stupid.
I have the ability to see tiny details in movies, but not important details and definitely not anything more general. I couldn't tell you a thing about the plot or any themes, nor could I tell you what any character's name was. I always get several characters mixed up, no matter how different they are.
I missed a bunch of points on a final exam in high school speech class because we watched 12 Angry Men and, to make sure we had paid attention till the end, the teacher asked us what happened at the end, and I said, "A guy saw a photograph, got sad, and changed his vote." I still don't know why that answer was wrong -- that's what I saw happen, and no one has ever explained to me what I missed.
I often remember lines from movies, but never important ones. On the rare occassion when I do see a movie near when it comes out, I'll hear people quoting memorable lines, and I will have no idea what they're talking about.
And since I don't understand what I'm watching, I don't ever remember it. I've probably watched far fewer than 100 movies in my life, and I can only remember anything about the few that I've seen several times, which are the ones I have on DVD (a few Coen brothers, a few Monty Python, and Bamboozled).
And, of course, I remember very little even about those movies. Just that the main character in O Brother, Where Art Thou? is named Everett, that Bamboozled is shot partly on film and partly on digital video, and that I love John Cleese.
And I really hate theaters. Between seeing My Girl in a theater in 1991 and seeing The 40-Year Old Virgin in a theater in 2005, I probably watched 3 other movies in a theater (I only remember The Thin Red Line and Beavis and Butt-Head Do America, but there's probably a third).
And I know you're going to say that those four are not good, but it doesn't matter, because I can't tell the difference.
KC, sorry this comment is so long and negative. Y'all can go on with the film discussion now.
Ben, you don't remember seeing "Brokeback Mountain" in a theater with me? Or "Friends With Money"? Or "Capote"? Or "The Devil Wears Prada"? We've seen at least four movies together at the theater in the past year and more than that on video/DVD.
I remember "Brokeback" like it was yesterday. You read the short story aloud to me and Erin before we saw the film. Erin had a Nerd Rope and you had Hot Tamales. The couple in front of us kept talking. This was up for an Academy Award?
"Manhattan" was the first film we watched together, in your living room. We watched "Mighty Aphrodite" on my floor, before I got furniture. We saw "Paper Moon" and "Ghost World" and "Amelie" and "Napoleon Dynamite" and "Walking and Talking" and "Lovely and Amazing" and "Alive" and probably some stuff I'm forgetting.
And it was fun, for me anyway.
Yes, I've watched more movies in the past year than I had in the previous fifteen.
I enjoy watching movies with you and/or Erin, but that isn't because of the movies. I enjoy being with you, and I've learned to find pleasure in noticing the tiny, insignificant details. When I try to notice the normal or important stuff, I can't, and I feel bad about it.
I recognize the names of all but two of those movies you listed. That's pretty good, for me.
Ah! I remembered one you had forgotten! We watched my DVD of The Music Man.
And I apologize for forgetting in my original comment that I have watched my DVDs of The Music Man and Amelie several times, and I remember a few things about those two movies.
Ben, the first movie we saw together in a theater was "Mr. Holland's Opus."
That's the third one.
You can probably remember a couple more we watched in that time, but the premise still holds: Very few movies, and I can't even remember the few I've seen.
Gaaah! How can I become addicted to a Web site overnight? I'm going to spend my lunch break rating horror movies.
CL, I’ve seen a few Bunuel films, but so long ago that I don’t have decided opinions about them now. As a consequence of the all internet resources—film blogs, Filmaffinity, Netflix—I’ve decided to do various film “projects”. These mostly involve seeing several movies that are related in some way in a (fairly) short period of time. And I’ll read up on them as I’m going through them. So one of my projects is the French New Wave. My brother hasn’t seen any of them at all, so I tried to organize the movies in a way that might be appealing to him. We have watched some Bresson, and we have Truffaut coming up soon, and after that it will be Godard, Rohmer, and beyond. I definitely plan to get to Bunuel, but there is quite a bit that will come first.
Our French project has been bumped deeper down our Netflix order by a few other projects. Of late, Asian projects have been at the top of the list. We have been going through all of Zhang Yimou films and Wong Kar-Wai too. I came up with an idea of watching a lot of samurai movies followed by spaghetti westerns. My brother has seen a lot of samurai, but not the westerns. We are still watching the samurai, but have branched out to include wuxia and also non-samurai Japanese films. For instance, I just added “Tokyo Story” by Yasujiro Ozu to my lists of “10s”.
We have also been watching a wide range of older films, American and otherwise. My brother had never seen any Billy Wilder, so we have been hitting those. We have seen several silent movies as well, an addition to my “10” list since I wrote this post is Dreyer’s “The Passion of Joan of Arc”.
And CL, if you are rating movies on Filmaffinity, then we should add each other to our “Friends” lists. I don’t have your e-mail, but perhaps KC would forward that to me?
Sharon, I’m not saying that I would never watch “Ambersons”, but I certainly don’t plan to soon. Perhaps if I made an “Orson Welles project” where I watched all his other films first. And then somebody has put out a book that tries to lay out what Welles’ movie probably would have looked liked based on some stills, surviving continuity scripts, and the like. “Ambersons” could be the capstone of that.
Are you on Filmaffinity too? If so, I would also like to add you to my friend’s list. All 28 of the films I’ve rated “10” are on a list there. I might soon make a list of the 134 moves that I’ve rated “9” as well. I suspect that I might move some movies back and forth between the two lists.
KC, did you try to watch “Beg!” by Robert Goden from 1994? That sounds like a strange one all right. I don’t know a thing about it, but from what I just read, I’d be interested in checking it out.
I was waiting to see what pictures you would put up. I had “Blue” pegged. And perhaps I should have guessed “Dead Man”. Putting in “Black Cat, White Cat” was a good touch. If you see that poster, then you should have a sense of what you are in for if you watch the movie. Couldn’t ask more from the promo gang.
DW, Kim can pass it along ... I don't want to post it here, but that's a good idea. Can you be my friend, too?
Since you're in the KC area, do you remember the Fine Arts Theater on Mission Road? I worked there part-time for a few years as a video clerk and caught a lot of foreign/cult/classics that way.
CL, if KC is so kind as to forward our e-mail addresses, then we should swap Filmaffinity IDs. I’d be interested to see what you like.
(KC still needs to rate some movies there some time.)
I’m out in California now, but I do know the Fine Arts Theater. I saw a few films there over the years. Never rented too many from them, though. When I was living in Lawrence I made much heavier use of Liberty Hall.
Hey, cl, what about me? Do I not get any film love?
I have forwarded the various addresses.
I'm sure DW and cl both gave "Airplane II" a "10," so you are sure to be film soul mates.
Don't forget Boy and Sharon.
And by the way, DW, with all your obsessions — er, I mean "projects" — it sounds like you and your bro must be spending half your time shimmying up rocks in some God-forsaken wilderness and half your time glued to your God-forsaken TV.
I can't wait to visit.
Oh yeah, DW, "Beg!" was the movie. A summary: Murders occur at a bizarre hospital, involving live dogs sewn inside the victims. Check it out and tell me what it means.
Ben, how could I forget "The Music Man"? I loved that.
It looks like if we just swap user names, we can add friends. You are all free to add mine and ... it's christylit, and George, DW, Sharon, anyone else with an account, I would love to have yours.
I am still weighing on my rating for "Xanadu."
KC, are you forgetting about the time I spend reading your delightful blog?
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