I'm so glad I quit cutting my own hair and started going to a salon.
It's not because I wasn't doing a good job. The front of my hair always looked fetching (Remember, I come from a long line of hairdressers). But the back would depend on the skills of my significant other or a roommate or a kindly neighbor. So the back was always a crapshoot.
My philosophy has always been if you want something done right, do it yourself. But I couldn't do the back of my hair myself. So I had to modify my philosophy: If you want something done right, find a stylish young man with magic hands.
That's when Ryan came into my life. I called this salon a few years ago and the gal they set me up with ended up not being there on my appointed day because she had gotten pregnant and quit school and gone to live in some tiny town in Arkansas. Too bad. I bet she would have been a fun hairdresser. But her misfortune led me to Ryan, the salon owner who took all her appointments that day.
We've been together ever since.
The thing I like best about Ryan is that he doesn't expect me to talk. It's not that I would mind talking to Ryan; it's just that I can never think up anything to say beyond "been busy?" or "sure is hot outside" or "been busy?"
The thing I like next best about him is that we have a similar sense of humor. Like some gal at the next station will be telling her hairdresser about how she's not getting along with her roommates because they don't appreciate the feng shui of her space, and Ryan and I will look at each other and snicker. Or some dude with a tattoo of a dagger on his neck will be instructing his hairdresser to not give him a cut that would be "unflattering" to his tattoo. And Ryan will look at me and give a long, slow eye-roll.
A thing I enjoy about going to the salon in general is that it's like a zoo where you can gawk at stylish people. I really enjoy gawking. Like I love to look at the girl at the front desk and see how every millimeter of her body has been attended to: skin, nails, makeup, hairstyle, hair color, eyebrows, scent, clothes, shoes, pedicure. Everything is just so. When she offers me a cup of coffee I always decline because I don't feel well-heeled enough to be waited on by her. And everyone there is like that. It's so exotic.
Another thing I like about the salon is that it reminds me of my mom.
My mom (in the picture above - in her early 20s) used to be a hairdresser when we were young, and I imagine that in her youth she was a lot like the kids at my salon. Very trendy. Very well put-together. I remember she was always doing new stuff to her hair. Like she'd drop me off at preschool with a big blond bouffant and pick me up with a short brown bob. I found it very romantic. Even though I never felt any compulsion to change my look every other day, or even every other 10 years, I have always been intrigued by people who do.
My very favorite thing about the salon, though, is that I always learn something there. It's practically like going to the library.
Today, for example, I learned about two things that I did not know existed: (1) a thing called "a couple's massage"; and (2) a thing called a "Marilyn Monroe."
A couple's massage is apparently something you can do on a cruise ship. This trendy businessman getting his hair cut at the next station was telling his hairdresser gal about this cruise he and his wife were about to take along the coast of Mexico. It was his wife's idea. He resisted at first, but now he was on board. You could tell he was one of those guys who works like 10 hours a day saying motivational things to people like "Come on, team, let's take this to the next level." And I don't know why he was even having a $42 hair cut; his hair was only an inch long to begin with. Anyway, he told the hairdresser, "One of the things we're going to do on the cruise is have a couple's massage." A what? I thought. I was hoping the hairdresser would quiz him on this so I could find out more about it, but all she said was, "Oh that's fantastic. My girlfriend and I had a couple's on our cruise to Cabo San Lucas." I looked at Ryan. He seemed to know what a "couple's" was, so I tried to act like I knew also. But when I got home, I looked it up on the Internet, and it said: "Couple's massage isn't actually a different massage ... it's a special arrangement that allows a couple to receive their massages at the same time, in the same room with two massage therapists. The massage may actually be any type of massage such as Swedish, Deep Tissue, or even Hot Stone. You could even mix and match. Couple's massage is a great way to share the power and benefits of massage." Very interesting. Is this just an orgy, except more boring?
The other thing I learned about is a "Marilyn Monroe." Some gal who works there got this procedure done called a Marilyn Monroe, and that, I found out from Ryan, is when you get an area by your mouth pierced and put a piece of jewelry in it so it looks like an attractive mole. Anyway, this gal had this done, and the reason I know about it is that she came up to Ryan while he was cutting my hair and said she was really pissed because she had just "swallowed" her Marilyn Monroe. Apparently, the hole was too big, and the $50 piece of jewelry she bought to put in it to mimic a mole fell all the way through the other side and went down her throat.
Ryan gave me the deep background after she tromped off to the little girls' room. And he ended the story by saying, "I don't know why I find that funny, but I really do."
I wonder what an artificial mole with fastener does to the digestive tract.
Wondering that is part of what makes it funny for me.
I should get you to cut my hair. Would you charge less than Supercuts?
My dad would take me to barber shops when I was a kid, the kind where it was all a bunch of old men just sitting around reading the paper until someone finally came in. Now you can't find those in OKC. Perhaps the next time I'm in the Flint Hills, I'll try one of those places we saw.
"Like she'd drop me off at preschool with a big blond bouffant and pick me up with a short brown bob."
That's so fun. What an exciting mom!
I didn't know what a Marilyn Monroe was. That's pretty funny.
I love going to salons and letting people take care of me. Unfortunately, I'm cheap, so I don't do it very much. I tend to go to SuperCuts filled with KU boys getting trimmed for their big Friday night date. I figure I have long hair cut one length and it doesn't take anybody special to do it. And I can color it myself; that's pretty easy. You put dark brown on dark brown and it comes out, well, dark brown.
(I have tried Light Golden Brown against my friends' advice and came out orange.)
Oh, and I had really bad salon highlights once. I had dark brown hair with yellow-gold streaks. Kind of trendy at the time, but not so much on me.
I hate it when stylists talk to me. And they always seem intrigued that I work for the paper and ask me questions.
KC, have you ever gotten anything at a salon besides cut or color? I've gotten a couple of manicures. One or two when I was 22 and seemed to have a lot of money, once for a wedding, and my sister and I did one at one of those sweatshops for her birthday.
I would love to get a pedicure but feel like I need to self-pedicure before making anybody handle my feet. My heels always need sanding. And I would love, love, love to go back to the reflexologist and take her up on a foot massage. But that makes me self-conscious, too.
Oh, how funny, George. We could hit Supercuts together!
"Like I love to look at the girl at the front desk and see how every millimeter of her body has been attended to: skin, nails, makeup, hairstyle, hair color, eyebrows, scent, clothes, shoes, pedicure."
And how do women do that? I'm always off on at least three of these. On a good day I'll address maybe five of these.
I love going to the salon! When I went last week, my hairdresser's 8-year-old son was there. About five minutes into my haircut, he emerged from the back room with an empty Happy Meal box, which featured a Pirates of the Caribbean theme. He glanced at me and said, "Mom, when you're done with this haircut, can you cut out this eye-patch for me?" Then he stood there and peered at us through his little pirate telescope.
I have to admit, cl, the Supercuts on Sixth by Hy-Vee is the best one of those I've even been to.
George: I went to a barbershop like that in Lawrence. It's in the same building as the Dillons on Mass.
There are four barber chairs, but only two are ever used, because there are only two barbers. The TV is usually on the Westerns channel. On the wall there are autographed pictures of the women who do the news at Fox 4. There's a bulletin board where customers who have their own businesses put business cards.
Those who are waiting or just loitering sit in one of about eleven fiberglass chairs that look like they were taken from a bowling alley.
My barber there is named Skip. (I can't remember the other guy's name.) If the person is a regular, Skip gives a post-haircut 30-second shoulder massage with a big, heavy electric massager. (I bought one just like it. I'll have to show it to you sometime.)
Skip is a hunting education instructor. And a guitar player. And he is very outspoken. I once heard him tell a squirming boy several times that he was going to get his ear cut off. And when the dad sheepishly said something about ADHD and medication, Skip told him that he shouldn't let his wife do that shit to the kid -- he didn't need medication, he needed punishment. To which the sheepish man agreed.
And there were occasionally the racist comments from customers and barbers. And the sexist comments never stopped. Yes, it's a real old timey barbershop.
Skip cuts hair very, very well. And it was $9.
My mom cut my dad's hair. She'd make him bend over the kitchen sink for the shampoo and then drag a barstool into the kitchen for the cut. Always on a Saturday morning.
Yeah, Ben, I wonder whether the fake mole will reappear and, if so, whether it will be reused.
G, do you really want me to cut your hair? I guess I did a good job on Rupert (hehe), so I'm willing to give it a go. Also, my mom will be at my house Tuesday morning, so if you need a trim, she'd probably throw a cape around you and get to work on my porch.
No, cl, I have never had anything else done at a salon. Just the other day I was thinking about getting my eyebrows waxed because I've never plucked them and I've never seen what I'd look like with properly arched brows. But I probably won't. I have never painted my fingernails or toenails, so it would never occur to me to pay someone to do it for me. A reflexologist might be cool, though. Hehe. I wonder whether that job would be one word or two.
Erin! Did she use her hair-cutting scissors to cut out the eye patch? My mom would come unglued if we used her hair-cutting scissors to cut paper or anything else. She treated them like an heirloom Samurai sword forged centuries ago in feudal Japan. We could not touch!
Joyce cut Fred's head? That rules.
Ben, didn't a barbershop in Newton, the one by Curtis C's, have porn for the customers to peruse?
Cool! What if it turns out I'm blond underneath, too?
We discovered, after the haircut, that the eye patch was perforated.
My mom acted the same way about her hair-cutting scissors. "THEY'RE JUST FOR HAIR!"
Yes, that barbershop had Playboy and Penthouse in it. The barber looked like a serial killer. He had extremely pale skin and he looked emaciated, with big joints. And he had a bad haircut. He gave bad haircuts in about five minutes, and I don't think he could give a good haircut. And you know it was terrible, because I quit going to him because of the bad haircuts even before I met Erin. (I was 16 when I met Erin.)
Whenever I went in there and he didn't have any customers (much more often than not), he would be doing pencil sketches from the photographs in the magazines.
The shop is still there, but I don't know if he's still there. It might be worth a bad haircut just to find out.
And here I paid good money to REMOVE my mole!! Go figure, now they are the fad!
Oh, and yes you may use Hildred's picture!
Speaking of haircuts, are you going to use a new picture now that you have a different do?
Thanks, Phyllis!
damn, you're funny.
I like drinking beer while Craig cuts my hair. He's a rockstar - literally. He's in a band. And he makes sure my hair makes me look like I'm a rockstar when I leave. Then I have to recreate it and it never really looks the same, even when I buy the $20 goop. I would go weekly if I could afford it.
Beer? What does your salon have on tap?
beer in bottles. I like to drink it in the morning. And by the end, I feel that I have to have finished it because he gave it to me, so I'm kinda chugging it, all the while making sure that little red hairs haven't blown in. Mmm.
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