Has the flared jeans/flip-flop look finally reached its twilight?
Is it going gently — arm in arm with the hip-hugger/lower-back tattoo look — into that good night?
I could have sworn I saw a marked decline today in the number of college kids shuffling around campus in cheap-plastic-thongs-made-in-Malaysia (an old-school word for flip-flops), flared, low-riding jeans and tight, worn-looking $40 T-shirts.
Go figure. Just as I was about to adopt that look it goes out of style. But at least I realized it in time. Not like when I got that bowl cut and started wearing stirrup pants — just as that under-appreciated aesthetic was singing its own swan song.
I wrote a post in April about uber-trendy kids. I was on the verge of adopting the faux-messy look then, and recently I read a phrase in a novel that really sold me on the idea: Looking bad is the new looking good.
Being a philosophy major, I need a theory, or at least a snappy epigram, to go with my praxis. Praxis is an ancient Greek word for practice, for those of you who majored in something more practical than philosophy (God, I miss that old gang of bullshitting megalomaniacs who couldn't content themselves with the million or so words in the English language). Anyway, theory and praxis. I can't just do something for the sake of doing it or because 85.3 percent of all other human beings are doing it. I need some intellectual puffery to persuade me.
Looking bad is the new looking good.
I like that (I'd like it even better if it were written in a dead language). But alas, it's no longer true, if I can judge from the fashion I saw today.
Or maybe the kids who are the chief ambassadors of the flared/flip look were simply too hip to show up for the first day of school. Maybe they won't make an appearance until the third or fourth week. And then everything will be back to normal.
What I saw today — and this may be skewed by an influx of fashion-ingenue freshmen from the far reaches of our state — was a lot more crisp. A lot of squeaky-clean white tennis shoes, freshly pressed shirts, vivid colors. One kid in my class had a bright orange, well-laundered polo shirt and pristine white tennis shoes with orange stripes to match his shirt. I can't wait to see whether he'll have other shirt/shoe combos. He looked clean. And his shoelaces reminded me a tad of the new red-striped ones Benjie was wearing the other day. I consider Benjie to be at the forefront of fashion, as evidenced by the bold statement he recently made by wearing a "Newton, KS" T-shirt in Newton, KS. Can fashion get more daring? Another guy in my class had on a bright, brand-new pink polo with combed hair. Several of them smelled nice. The girls, if I'm not mistaken, were wearing their pants higher on their hips — not above their navel with pleated fronts and severely tapered legs, which is the look I really prefer, but close; they'll be there soon.
Anyway, if any of you have any insights into whether the marvels I saw today are just anomalies or actual harbingers of a new direction in fashion, please share your thoughts. It won't be easy, but I'll hold off on changing my look until we've reached a consensus.
On a semi-related note, I asked my students to jot down all their usual personal-info crap on an index card. One dude is from Hamburg, Germany, a city that's important to European history buffs because it's maybe where the hamburger came from. He's the only kid in the class who, on the General Knowledge portion of the quiz, knew that Angela Merkel was the chancellor of Germany. Everyone else, not living in a country where a gal might actually be in charge, thought she was an actress or "a lady golfer."
The last thing they had to write on the index cards was hobbies/interests. Here are the winners: shopping, myspace, facebook, napping, sleeping, eBay, socializing, going out with friends, scrapbooking, watching TV.
Some wrote: reading, history, journalism, music, but — just between you and me — I don't expect much from those two.
Flared jeans are more flattering than tapered, as long as they're not cut too low.
You're seeing a resurgence of the '80s. Last spring I was shopping late at Dillons when some preppy boys ran through to buy beer. They wore bright polo shirts, and one had the collar up. At first I figured it was a costume party, but the look is pervasive.
You are such a fashion detective. Keep us posted on the latest and the lamest.
Darnsies! I didn't notice what anyone was wearing today!
I decided that I probably would look bad if I dressed like myself, so I made one subtle change. I did wear the usual white shoes with red-striped white laces, white socks, jean shorts, belt, tucked in shirt, and almost kempt hair. But, instead of the usual plaid button-up shirt or my occassional treat of a solid-color button-up shirt or the extremely rare t-shirt only look, I went for the rarest of all my outfits. I wore my one polo shirt. The one I bought from Wal*Mart in the middle of a workday about a year ago because the shirt I had worn from home was uncomfortably smaller than it had been a month before.
But as to what anyone else was wearing, I don't remember.
Benjie, you beat me to the punch! Since you and I are the most fashionwise of our circle, I was going to have you do a guest post on what you consider the must-haves for the fall season, as well as what you deem to be the classics. But you read my mind.
cl, I humbly disagree that flared jeans are more flattering than tapered. I noticed as I stood today in front of my class that they were all admiring my peg-leg colored jeans (green, if you're dying to know).
I refuse to wear jeans unless they are tapered. Anything else looks either silly or hideous.
So take that, Christy and Erin. I'm on kc's team.
Tapered are not the most flattering for women unless they have no hips, like a guy. Flared makes your waist, hips and fanny look smaller.
That said, I think the charm of flops expired sometime around 2002.
That's what Erin has told me is the prevailing wisdom about leg cut. I just happen to think it's wrong.
And I'm quite hippy for a guy. Erin says I just look like that because of my tapered-leg jeans, but I know that it's really because of my womanly hips.
Benjie, I think the tapered jeans accentuate your small-boned daintiness.
cl, I usually look fatter in flared pants, maybe because they emphasize the shortness of my legs. They make me look blocky.
When they are really low-cut they make my ass look gargantuan. In fact, when super low-cut jeans first became popular, I thought, "Why does everyone suddenly have a doublewide ass?" Then I realized it was the flared, low-cut pants, which took the emphasis off length and put it on width.
See, I knew if I stuck with my look it would come back around. I just need brighter colors.
My back to school clothes shopping involved stocking up on white undershirts and boxers to wear under scrubs. Does nothing for my fashion sense but thems the rules.
George, speaking of scrubs, I trust you have the good sense to not wear them in public, no matter how fetching they are. It always grosses me out when you see some off-duty medical professional grocery shopping or dining out in his/her scrubs.
You're going to have a lot of cooties when you're a nurse.
Yeah, not planning on it, especially with the type pf nursing I'm planning on doing.
And definitely not with my student scrubs: tan is not my color.
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OK, I give up on making a link. KC, I don't get your ass preoccupation. And haven't you ever seen butt enhancers? Some people actually want a little booty.
Grrrr! Won't link! Go to "padding" and choose "rear end enhancers."
Well, KC I know your take on fashion is that it is a sort of silly paegentry, and while that may be true, it is most definately fun to be on the underbellie of fashion, purpposefully bucking the norms.
With that said my perspective on this may be a bit f-ed seeing as how I am in a different part of the country and all my friends are uber-queer to the point of making other's feel uncomfortable in the in public restrooms, but these are some general fashion things that I have been able to pick up on that I think might be spreading.
1. Tapered pants, yes, but more importantly tight fitting pants on men. As in you can tell which side they dress on tight. This I love, A little boom-bedoom in the crotch area is fun for all.
2. Rolled pants. No pinching or cinching for those of you that were hip like my sister in 1990, Just twice rolled, about 3"-4" wide and 6"-8" high.
3. Modified versions of the traditional mullet, Charlies Angel's soft curls and the female fro are back. When last I was in Lawrence I also noticed a large number of 20-somethings with short bleach blonde hair and 1960s era cuts in their dresses.
4. Ties are in again for women. Thank god. I love Pretty in Pink.
5. Fedoras and bowler hats. This seems to be mainly true of city-folk, but I have seen a definate resurgence and I am glad because I love hats and it is early enough to still be on the top of this trend.
6. Suspenders either hanging down around the bum or on over the top of a shirt, a sweater or even a jacket. A couple of years ago there was a ressurgence of suspenders but they were mainly white or pink, now it seems red and black are in.
7. Male makeup. Yes. This started about 2 years ago with the big resurgence of 80s music, but has morphed into its own exciting thing.
All-in-all I am excited about this fall because it looks like there may be some seriously popular gender-fucking going on in certain circles, which means it will be recyclable for the next couple of years in other circles and I am in New York, where it is cold, and thusly fall fashions have a longer life anyhow.
(PS I tried to include photos but blogger wouldn't let me use the img tag, sad face.)
Also forgive my horrible spelling, i didn't preview before i published.
Man, my internet goes down at work and I miss everything!
The only young people I ever see nowadays are the summer help in the parks department, and they are now required to wear official City of Newton t-shirts tucked in. This is because the teeny-boppers used to walk around town watering flowers with their ass cracks showing. Then they starting tying their t-shirts into makeshift crop-tops. Very fashion-forward, but not kosher with the old fuddy-duddies who run city government.
cl, the rear-end enhancers are interesting, especially to someone like me who is, as you say, "preoccupied with ass." Whatever. Everyone knows I'm a boob girl.
Billy, I would like to see suspenders over a jacket. I bet that is uber-cool. Hehe
Erin, did you have a hand in the new city dress code? Please tell me YOU came up with the policy that put an end to "teeny-boppers ... watering flowers with their ass cracks showing."
No, 'twasn't me. Oddly enough, it was the guy whom my predecessor accused of sexual harassment.
Hmm, I just ate lunch yesterday on the UC Davis campus, but I didn’t notice any distinctive clothing trends. As best I remember, it seems most of the kids were dressed in some version of the casual-but-not-decayed that dominates out here. It wasn’t hot, so that meant more were in pants instead of shorts. Well, I can see where my future as a fashion reporter is going with those penetrating details.
One thing I have noticed is the number of men showing up on the PBS Newshour in pink shirts. They come in and talk about the war in Lebanon or talk about people who want to blow up airplanes while wearing bright pink. I don’t find it makes the news cheery.
KC, I will be sure to wear a jacket/suspender combo when in Lawrence this fall, though I may have to let my inner deviant out at somepoint and hang them down around my bum.
Also, my particular body type of wide around the middle, skinny around the extremities doesn't do too well with suspenders pulled up, anything to take the focus off of my sizable gut is best.
I should be back from October-December for the next KU TV commercial production. Looking for an apartment in KC, the city. But if you guys hear of any place that is month to month or sublet-ish let me know!
Tapered jeans only work if you have no hips and a completely flat tummy. If your flared jeans are making you look heavier, then the flare is too big. A better look is a straight leg jean or a stovepipe trouser.
High waisted pants and skirts are a big "in" this season but again a high waisted pant requires a flat belly.
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