It made me smile, partly at the Okie in her — she is half Okie and half white — and partly because I recognized a kindred spirit: a girl who loves practical shoes. Not ones that you have to strap on or climb into or wedge between your toes. But ones that are comfy, ones that kill bugs.
Not that you couldn't waste a spider with a frou-frou shoe, but honestly, if you have your choice of weapons, are you going to go for the pink satin slingback or the Milano Birkenstock?
Alas, my niece was not a true fellow traveler. Her fascination with practical shoes lasted about as long as my fascination with heterosexuality. I asked her recently whether she remembered showing me her tiny shoes and she said, "Not really," which, coincidentally, is the same answer she gave when I asked whether she remembered her Uncle Steve.
Anyway, I love practical shoes. And these shoes I bought Tuesday are the ultimate in practical. Not only are they extremely comfy, with "Jeep engineered traction," but they come equipped with maps on the soles. At first I thought they were world maps, but they're actually a split map of the Berkshires, which are some so-called "mountains" in Massachusetts. I'm going to the Bay State in October, so these shoes will be extra practical should I get lost.
These shoes came with four shoelaces: two baby-blue ones and two navy ones. I think that was just for show and not for reasons of practicality, so I took two of them out.
Today I put on these shoes and walked all the way to the City Code Inspection Office (I'm putting a deck on my house), then to the bookstore (where I was looking for "Sense and Sensibility" and found "Jane Austen for Dummies") and then to the bank (I need a loan for the deck), and I didn't get a single blister, not even a tiny bump. These shoes were made for walkin'.
They are the Cadillac of footwear.
Then I came home and put them in my closet and proudly surveyed my little collection. I have seven pairs of shoes now, all practical. All black or brown or blue, except for a pair of gray Arizona Birkenstocks that I purchased during a zany, devil-may-care period.
One time I sent Erin and Ben a picture of myself in a pumpkin patch with the late Moses, and Ben told me that Erin cropped out my "big lesbian shoes." Those were her exact words, because she's a model of political correctness. Still, I took offense. My shoes are not big. In fact, they are rather small — size 5s or so — except for these new ones, which I bought a size too large so I could wear big lesbian socks with them while strolling down the Appalachian Trail in the Berkshires.
Anyway, these shoes are so fabulous, and I'm sure all my friends will agree. When I send them pictures from my vacation, they'll probably just crop out the big lesbian — and leave the awesome shoes.

"No, we can't say 'dyke' on the air, we can't even say 'lesbian' anymore, it's 'women in comfortable shoes.'"
-- Robin Williams, "Good Morning Vietnam"
Those shoes rock. I especially dig the maps. They will look fantastic on your tiny lesbian feet.
I love shoes. And I have a lot of them. They are fascinating to me. I take after my grandmother, who has more shoes than an 87-year-old woman could possibly need.
Do you have more than seven pairs of shoes?
They're super-cute. If they had patches in pink, I'd want a pair. Except I suspect even your most practical shoes cost far more than the crappy footwear I buy at Target.
Um, yes. I'm thinking ... maybe 20. But I haven't counted.
CL, that's a good point. KC goes for quality over quantity. The majority of my shoes probably cost $30 or less. I've never even been in the Birkenstocks store.
I think I have about ten pairs of shoes. White and brown and black and burgandy. And none of them fit.
I can't wait to see these big lesbian shoes in person.
20 pairs of shoes! And you are probably in line to inherit your grandmother's footwear. We'll have to start calling you Imelda McDaniel.
Christy, I bet these come in pink, with like a map of Park Avenue on the soles. (How many shoes do you have?)
Why don't your shoes fit, Ben? Because of your pancake feet?
Do you guys want to see a picture of all of my shoes together?
My grandma's shoes are not exactly what I would pick out. I don't especially need canvas Keds in every color. Or pink leather pumps.
Show us the shoe collection! (I can only remember six pairs that I've seen you in.)
I can't place kc in anything besides the gray burks.
Also, I forgot to add that more often than not, my shoes are hand-me-downs from my sister, who, Erin, has more than 40 pairs.
For summer:
Good brown sandals (sister's)
Crummy brown sandals (sister's)
Grandma brown loafers (mine)
Crummy black sandals (mine)
Nice black sandals (sister's friend's)
Beige sandals (sister's friend's)
Red sandals (darling, mine, stained)
Reeboks (mine, since '01)
Pretty much can't remember because they are so boring and not new.
Left from my 20s, haven't tossed:
Big, f-word silver heels
Uncomfortable black sandals with colorful daisies
Prudish navy and black flats and pumps, which possibly are back in style
white Keds
S&M-looking black sandals
You've been hiding S&M sandals from us?!
I would have 40 pairs if I weren't so anal about cleaning out my closet twice a year.
I don't know exactly why shoes don't fit me. Part of it is the strange size of my feet (around 12AAA), part of it is how much longer they are when I'm standing up rather than sitting, part of it is the special insoles I wear, and part of it is how tiny my heels are.
Lately I've been having circulation problems with my feet. It may be time to find a new type of special insoles.
If I found all of our shoes just now, Erin has 25 pairs of shoes and I have 13.
OK, here is a picture of my shoes (appended to the bottom of my post). There are actually eight pairs here because I included my lawn-mowing sneakers to make the "KC" look better. While gathering my shoes, I found a pair of square-toed loafer-type shoes in the back of my closet, but I don't wear those anymore, because square toes aren't practical, and a pair of hiking boots that I got paint on and that kind of stink, so I never wear those either.
Ben and Erin have 38 pairs of shoes. They could write a whole sentence!
Cl, I like your shoe catalog. I want to see the f*ck-me shoes and the S&Ms. Hehe. Did they come with matching whip?
I have four pairs of shoes:
$190 black Eccos with a big tongue and cool tan stitching (the posession I would save in a fire)
$120 hiking boots (I wear these almost every day and I am sad that I may have to get new ones soon)
$80 tan Borns with nifty holes in the side, love em, i would probably be wearing these as I battled the flames to save my Eccos
$10 pair of canvas sneakers
I also own:
Free sneakers, turf shoes and cleats from coaching soccer last season, but I don't count these as they were forced on me.
I am still jealous of your black boots which you never wear.
Also, I would so love to go on a show like "What Not to Wear" and get a whole new multi-thousand dollar wardrobe, but I am scared they would just laugh-off my gender issues and make me buy pointy toed things with heels and straps. And low cut shirts that would cause me to have to get my chest hairs zapped off and women's cut pants that wouldn't allow for acouterment befitting drag night at the local gay watering hole. That would make me so very sad.
It would be interesting to see how they would work with gender-identity issues. I don't watch the show, but from what I've seen and heard when Erin is watching it, they seem to try to use a person's personality and occupation as well as their body in building a wardrobe. So perhaps they would do a good job.
I get the feeling that the guys (the main guy and the hair guy) would have an easier time of it than the women (the main woman and the make-up woman). I'm not saying that because of their gender, but because of their personalities and approaches to problems. But maybe none of them would have trouble -- since I haven't seen them work with that issue, I don't know what they would do. I get the feeling they would try to fit you into a mold you would not enjoy.
If anybody wants the S&M and f*** shoes, they aren't doing me any good.
If you don't count the shoes I never wear, I have 3 or 4 pairs.
Hey, I was right! I didn't know about the square-toe things or the black boots.
Yes, excellent shoes, kc. Did I scare you into buying them with stories of how confusing it is to navigate in Beantown?
I've got three pairs of shoes, though I have to get a fourth: white nursing shoes. I've been to two medical supply stores, and they only carry women's.
Does Birkenstock make plain white leather shoes?
Yes, you can buy white Birkenstocks! They would be perfect for nursing.
Oh my God, George, I guessed to myself that you had three pairs of shoes. Maybe you can send a picture of them all. At the risk of sounding like a foot fetishist, I'd really like to see a photo of everyone's shoe collections.
Whatever turns you on, dear.
This is all I have left, until I buy some nursing shoes (and possibly a backup pair). I did have some brown and some black oxfords, but my mom accidentally gave them to Goodwill a couple months ago. The brown ones were the $80 pair I told you about that I got in Freeport, Maine, for $10.
G, those booties are so cute. Have I seen you wear them?
Also, how does your mom "accidentally" give shoes to Goodwill?
I'm sure you have, though you might not have noticed. I wore them in Lawrence whenever it snowed, so it was only a few times.
I want to see you wear your boots.
And the Goodwill thing was my fault. As I was moving down from Tulsa, I unloaded my car and put my shoes in the garage on top of a box of my old clothes that she had set aside.
It's also possible that they didn't get donated, but those two pairs are nowhere to be found.
These would be good nursing shoes, G, and you'd look cute in them.
Or these
Can't -- clogs aren't allowed. It has to be a full shoe.
These actually would work. Though I'd have to find a place having one heck of a sale.
I might have to do it, though; you're shoes fit your New England trip. These shoes are called Londons.
D'oh!! You beat me to it!
I will contribute something to your London shoe fund. Maybe we can sell some plasma together, too, until we can afford to properly clad your hoofs.
Also, G, you could paint those black shoes white.
Selling plasma ... hmmm, that's an idea.
I tried to paint some blue shoes white when I was a kid. I didn't have any paint, though. Just White-Out. Turns out one bottle was no where near enough.
My shoe collection would be a big pain to photograph, but you have my permission to inspect them next time you're in Newton.
Erin, what size do you wear? You and my sister should start an exchange. You could wear her "Desperate Housewives" hot pink heels to the office.
A little late to the party, but I want to weigh in on shoes, too. Adrian thinks I have too many and has tried to force a chuck-an-old-pair-for-every-new-pair policy. That elicits a laugh from me whenever he suggests it.
My shoes show a split personality. There are several pairs of comfies: the walking sandals, flip flops, workout shoes, running shoes, etc. Then there are the back-breaking, arch-aching high heels that are purely for looks and only appropriate when I'm driving or being driven to my destination. I love them all, though.
Now I really want to take a picture, but my camera is out of town for a few days. :(
I'm an 8. A few months ago, I wore my MOST impractical shoes to work on a day I had a meeting at WSU. Long story short: I wound up having to walk clear across campus to and from the meeting. I went home with blisters from hell.
Sara, I want to see your split-personality shoe collection!
(Erin, were you wearing heels?)
Yes, and they were mules. I had horrifying leg cramps that night, too. I haven't worn them since because I'm pissed at them.
Sara: Let's see them!
Erin: You're my sister's size!
Adrian went out of town with the digital camera, but I promise to provide a picture just as soon as the camera comes back.
Who should I send it to?
And hey, I want to see more shoes, too. This is fun. Erin? cl? Ben, Billy, George? Everybody should show off a little here.
Sara, send it to me, and I'll post it on my blog! You can send it to my work e-mail. First initial/last name.
I want to see everyone's shoes, too.
I need KC or somebody to take pictures of my shoes. I don't have a camera.
Oh, cl, you can borrow my camera. And I'm free tomorrow, so we can have dinner, too, if you want.
My digital camera is on the fritz, but I put up the shoes (and wallets, belts, watches) I would be wearing this fall if I could afford them on my blog:
I like your style, billy. That's very nice stuff.
Any shoe pics to post, comrades??
Here's a picture of the shoes I have on now.
I love those shoes.
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