I haven't been to the dog park since Tuesday, when Rupert knocked me on my ass in front of half a dozen gay guys. My elbows are still smarting from the fall. So is my pride.
Gay men are some of the most compassionate people on earth, so I'm not sure why I felt so embarrassed. Maybe because I buy into a few stereotypes and couldn't shake the feeling that their empathy for my pain was commingled with criticism of my outfit.
For those of you who don't know, the off-leash dog park is also the gay cruising park. It was the gay cruising park first, then the city decided to sic the dogs on the queers. That's one theory. Another theory — mine — is that it's a fucking beautiful park, as well as a beautiful fucking park, and the city recognized that it was perfect for dog lovers, as well as man lovers.
Problem is, I'm the only dog lover who goes here. Everyone else is afraid of the pervs. Everyone else takes their dogs to the park way out west, which is nice and all, but not gorgeous like this; not lush with river-bank growth and ancient cottonwoods and giant vines; not alive with the sounds of lapping water and buzzing insects and singing birds and twigs that snap underfoot; not full of sandy paths that meander through dense shade into little sunny clearings.
One lady I recently ran into here — she had two beautiful German shepherds — told me she came here only rarely and only at certain times of day because of the "unsavory characters" who frequent the park. I wanted to say, "Hey, I'm an unsavory character," but I didn't think I could really pull off "unsavory" — and besides, I knew what she meant and sort of agreed — so I just nodded and admired her dogs.
But back to my shame. I had just let Mabel and Rupert out of the car, and Mabel immediately starts terrorizing Rupert by dragging him around by his ear and barking in his face and chest-butting him, until he gives chase. Then they're off at 90 mph, like one beast with two heads, nipping at each other, running circles within circles, tripping each other up. I'm just peacefully walking toward the river, knowing they'll catch up with me when they tire of their folie a deux. I stroll by several cars that are backed into the spaces for a better view of newcomers and, presumably, the police. Each car contains one man (that I can see). Some are holding newspapers. Some are smoking. They are the picture of WAITING.

The park's trails begin near the boat ramp. The one to the east is where most of the "unsavory" activity seems to take place. The one to the west is where I usually go. But I prefer the other one — it's more romantic somehow, the path is more like a labyrinth, with little passageways shooting off over hillocks into little green groves with benchlike tree stumps. I knew this was the preferred destination of Unsavory Characters (UCs) because (1) I am a UC and know how they think; (2) I have seen the UCs entering and exiting the woods from that trailhead; and (3) I have ventured on recent trips over the hillocks, off the beaten path, and found plenty of evidence of unsavory activity. I showed George some pictures I took: condom wrappers, men's underwear, reading material. When he and I went to the park last weekend we saw a container of gel lubricant and what looked like used bedsheets.

I don't know why people like to meet strangers in a park for anonymous sex. The thought of it really sickened me at one time— when Beth first told me about the cruising park — all I could imagine were truly Unsavory Characters in emotionally brutal situations; no affection, no joy, no names, no reciprocity, no SNUGGLING, for crap's sake, no nothing, except sheer animal satisfaction in the "closet" of the park. I had the notion that cruising parks originated because homosexuality was illegal and shameful and such places, along with public toilets and porn houses and seedy bars, were historically the only venues for gay men to meet. But those days are over, mostly. It would still take some cajones to walk downtown arm in arm with your gay lover, to be sure, but you don't have to resort to public parks, do you? You don't have to give gays a bad name, do you?
Then I realized I was being a huge, judgmental ass. If this park were a hangout for straight people, it would have some enticing sobriquet like Lover's Lane or Makeout Point. And the more I think about it the less I find it repulsive. I personally have zero desire to have sex with a stranger in the great outdoors (barring a chance meeting with my fantasy park ranger at my favorite national park who saves me from a mean bear and then ... oh wait), but who cares what other consenting adults do? Do your thing. Have fun. Life is short.
But pick up your damn condoms! And your underwear and your lube containers! Please. This is a public park.
And another thing, don't look disappointed when I get out of my car and you realize I'm just a girl and not the afternoon delight you had planned for your lunch hour. I have every right to be here, as do my dogs, so don't pass me on the trail like I'm some alien intruder.
And finally, to the Republican A-holes with the Bush/Cheney stickers on your cars with Johnson County plates, use your own fucking park. This fucking park is for gay fuckers who pay taxes here and agree with MY politics — not married assholes who vote against gay marriage while traveling here twice a week for a gay romp in the woods.

What a cool park.
I don't think you're a huge ass for being creeped out by strange men copulating in a public park. And I happen to think it would be just as creepy if straight people were waiting around the park for anonymous hook-ups.
This is a great post.
Have you seen the park poetry Erin and I wrote in the spring of 1996?
Of course I've seen that poetry. Shall I quote it? (Why, by the way, does a post about illicit public sexual encounters remind you of a pleasant outing with your betrothed? Just curious.)
Erin, I know. I guess what I was trying to say is that I have a broader view now of sexual intimacy than I used to have and it includes things that don't appeal to me personally but that appeal to a lot of people — things like hooking up with strangers in a park. Before, the very idea of people doing that offended some notion I had of sexual intimacy. Now, the idea of people doing that doesn't really bother me at all, so long as they're discreet (I'm not going to surprise anyone while I'm taking a stroll with a kid or a dog) and they pick up after themselves.
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It IS fascinating, Billy. When I first went exploring off the beaten path — there's an embankment running the length of the eastern path that hides a parallel trail — I got very intrigued. When I'd come upon some evidence of a tryst — a condom wrapper, some lube — I felt sort of giddy, like I had discovered where the Keebler elves live or something.
In one spot I found an employment contract scattered among cigarette butts and condom wrappers.
You're probably right that many of them know each other. In the time I've been going there I've seen the same people more than once.
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When did you start saying "gal"?
And did anyone notice that Ben's been saying "y'all"? Well, not saying it, but actually writing it. I don't believe even real Southerners actually write "y'all." Hehe
And, oh sure, the sex is fascinating, but doesn't anyone care at all about MY ELBOWS?? Great friends I have.
Keebler elves? Is this an E.L.Fudge reference?
I like how on one end of the park is where the hookups happen, and on the other side is the disc golf course; either way you go, people are trying for a hole in one.
Oh, my elbows are doing better now. I have some feeling back in them. Thanks for asking.
Sorry, we haven't gotten to elbows in nursing school, yet. Next time I'm up there I'll kiss them to make them all better.
Is that what they're teaching you in that flim-flam nursing school of yours?! When someone has an owie, KISS IT and make it better?! IS that your answer on every exam question? Kiss it? No wonder you're getting all A's. Good grief, by that standard, Rupert could be a registered nurse by now.
Lately, almost everyone I've seen type "y'all" misspells it as "ya'll." I've even seen some copy editors do that. (Is that supposed to be short for ya will instead of you all?)
When I'm typing in the vernacular, I type "y'all" quite often since I say it quite often when I'm speaking in the vernacular.
And, of course, we didn't ask about your elbows because we thought you'd be embarrassed to be reminded of the incident. Of course.
Well, my next test is urinary, so I really hope "kiss it" is NOT the answer to every question.
Rupert doesn't kiss. There's a difference between kissing and licking. Or at least that's what Erin claims.
But I guess you're right, because when I've claimed that a lick was actually a kiss, I've been told that I am not a dog. So I guess a doggie lick is a doggie kiss.
I guess I don't think of it that way because Maggie often licks just to be annoying.
Oh, G, Keebler Elves are awesome. Didn't you love them when you were kid? Weren't they the quintessence of magic? You should check out their Web site . Under "height," Ernie, the head baker and spokes-elf, in true male fashion, says, "Size isn't everything."
Hehehe ... that is awesome. I remember wishing there was a Keebler elves TV show as a kid; I wanted more than just 30 second commercials.
And Sam's favorite book is "Encyclopedia of Famous Nuts."
"When I'm speaking in the vernacular?"
Ben, when DON'T you speak in the vernacular?
When I'm speaking in formal English, of course.
I spent the evening with my southern sister and nieces, who all say y'all all the time.
I remember finding condoms someplace as a kid and having that same giddy feeling you're talking about, kc.
My Okie relations and friends (Sharon!) say y'all, but I do not believe they actually write it. But I could be wrong about that.
Is this the sister from Louisiana?
KC, I am so sorry to disappoint you, but I've been writing y'all as long as I've been writing ... well, anything. As in, "Did y'all know some asshole stole mine and Mary's bank account information this week and wrote nearly $1,800 in checks on our account?" Y'all is definitely a proper word, dontchaknow.
And kudos to Ben for being irritated by people who don't know how to spell it.
Your bank account? God. Did you get the money back?
Good grief, that sucks, Sharon. If they catch the guy I have some nursing equipment I can "improperly" use on him.
Thanks for the support. We're not out the money; some federal law that I didn' know I was grateful for until now says consumers can't be held liable, but the bank or the stores to which the creep wrote the checks will have to eat the loss. One check was only for $63 to Phillips, but the other was for $1,674 to Atwoods. It was a fun day -- the bank called to tell us they caught it because the check numbers were out of sequence (yay bank for paying attention), so we spent the rest of the morning on the phone with the fraud department and our lawyer (questions about whether the new account that we have to open tomorrow should be in our trust, blah blah blah) and visiting with the friendly Broken Arrow police officer who came to our home and told us that they'll look at the stores' surveillance tapes and try to catch the guy. We'll see. It's a hassle because any check we've written that hadn't yet cleared the bank (including one to a church that's fighting for same-sex marriage) will bounce, so we have to contact all those people and warn them or -- in the case of stores or bills -- beg them not to charge us. The bank will give us a letter to send to those people to back us up, but what a pain. Not as much of a pain as falling flat on your ass in a park in front of a bunch of gay men, but ...
How are your elbows, KC?
And George, thanks so much for your offer. I think you're in just about the right place in your studies to deal with the guy. (Didn't you say recently that you were learning about catheters?)
HOW LONG has this post been up? Twenty-nine comments? I just checked for an update at 5 p.m. Friday.
KC, give yourself some credit and call yourself a Savory Character. That's more like it.
Sounds like a beautiful park and beats where I walk. It's that Naismith Park, the trail between Naismith and ... 29th, I think. I don't like to go there anymore because that's where somebody keeps approaching little kids.
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Hey, y'all, (I consider myself a southerner now, I guess) I grew up in Wichita and had to lead 1st grade Brownie Girl Scouts through the "Magic Forest" in a park not unlike the one you described, kc. Sometimes we found "magic worms" (condoms) and we'd have to usher the "magic faries" out before the girls showed up, singing songs about Smokey the Bear.
And we actually told a story about a tree stump ... that it used to be the Keebler Elves' tree.
Let's see ... how else can I relate to these comments? I truly believe that a kiss makes an owie feel better. It's in my head, I know, but it works and that's all that matters.
To make up for lost posts: I once used a kung-foo move on a gay man who felt me up at this park thinking I was a dude looking to be cruised. I don't know what was more shocking to him, the breasts or the sudden blow to his upper body. Nick was hiding under a sheet in the back seat of my car at the time of the "incident" also referred to as the "nice night incident" because that was the guy's pick up line, "Nice night." Still haven't figured out why, though I have asked him many times, Nick was hiding under that sheet. Important note: Don't depend on Nick when being accosted.
Why didn't you ever tell me that?! (Did you think you would have gotten in trouble for being out late in unsavory places? You would have.)
Also, what do you think that dude was doing with the elbow-length latex gloves? That has been disturbing me.
KC, I like to think the guy with the elbow-length gloves had his forearm up some guys sphincter like a farmer pulling out a baby cow, but it was probably much more tame than that. I didn't have the moxie to examine the gloves. It was before I got my digital camera so I would of had to have bagged them up somehow in order to see them in good light.
I guess I never told you about my nice night at the park because it was just one of those things. You didn't like that we went there. And, if you knew I was interested in the lives of people that you had a much lower opinion of at that time than it appears you do now it would have likely led to a fight. I guarantee you I was home before you got off from work that night. Nick and I got some of those HUGE lime-aids from Sonic and went back to the front porch and talked about the incident urgently.
I was and still am relatively certain I broke the gentleman's arm. I hit him extremely hard and heard a noise. I felt bad, like I was infringing upon his lifestyle that, due to the complete lack of gay bars in Lawrence, again at the time, he couldn't practice anywhere except at a park which is sort of dangerous for him, if you think about it, and then in addition I hurt him, me, another queer person.
I honestly think the real problem with that park, as opposed to the cruising that goes on around the Campanile and at Wells Overlook is that there is absolutely no protection for those guys from gay bashing. It is so dangerous to go off into the woods after a random guy. Even Wells Overlook has the benefit of more vigilant nature loving types and police (though I DO NOT think police make a queer environment safer). Blah blah blah. Yaddee yaddee.
If you wanted to do something truly wonderful and radical - one night when I get back we should get a bunch of people together and create a safety booth at the park and give out free whistles or free pepper spray and phone numbers for victims of queer violence and hate crimes.
Some day I will tell you the other things you never knew about me. Evermore after that I will be boring in my comments.
"I like to think the guy with the elbow-length gloves had his forearm up some guys sphincter"
Why do you like to think that, exactly? Isn't that too obvious?
I said "I like to think . . . " meaning that is the first place my imagination runs to. I don't actually enjoy thinking about it, specifically, but it is comforting to imagine that there are people in the world with more unique and rare sexual interests than my own who have found willing partners. It gives me hope that I might find someone out there in the world that I would be highly compatible with.
Earlier this evening you said that you feel like I am a very sexually oriented individual. I don't think I am. Not any more so than most folks. I think I just feel the need to talk about sex and gender because I feel under-represented. I do not see images of myself in the world. Nor do I see images of many non-vanilla sexualities in the world. And I have no desire to conform to the images of gender and sex that I do see. It has been hard to get to this place. I may be able to help others have a better go of it.
It is challenging to think of a film (children's movies included) (film because it is ubiquitous) that is devoid of sexual content and sexual relationships. Sex is a major part of our lives. It is elementary. We are biological creatures. We need sex to survive. Literally. Figuratively.
It is only slightly less challenging to think of films that portray non-vanilla sex. Specifically, healthy non-vanilla sex. Healthy non-vanilla sex is far less prevalent in film than sexual violence.
I think a lot of people have vanilla sex because they just don't know anything else. It is what they have seen time and time again.
The options go like this: Man humps woman, OR, now this is only if you are really kinky, woman blows man. I can count on one hand the number of male on female oral sex scenes I have seen in films. Ditto the number of woman on woman oral sex scenes, but I couldn't begin to count the number of male to female penetration scenes or female to male oral sex scenes.
I feel ignored. I feel marginalized. I feel invisible. I feel as if I almost don't exist. I feel lost. I feel alone. I feel despised. I feel diseased. I feel like people wish I didn't exist. I feel like people would prefer it if I would shut up. I feel like people want me to change, fundamentally, to better fit into their one hundred and twenty eight minute running time romantic equation: boy meets girl, boy likes girl, circumstances threaten to keep boy and girl apart, boy, heroically, risks embarrassment to overcome circumstances, girl falls in love with boy for this, boy humps girl, boy purposes to girl, girl is overjoyed, sex is replaced by love and they live happily ever after until Woody Allen flies in the face of convention and dares to make a movie about straight married life after 35.
Give me a break. Just because I am not Lillian Faderman or Adrienne Rich doesn't mean that I don't have valid, meaningful and important things to say about sex. And I am sorry, and I don't mean this next statement to be confrontational, but I feel what you said earlier, I am paraphrasing, "That nobody wants to know what you (meaning me, Billy) do in bed" is untrue. I think a lot of people want to know, but not for the puerile reasons prude people think, not because they want to get off hearing me talk about sex, but for the same reasons I like to read ancient poetry, for the same reasons children flock to other children at the park, and for the same reason some people like watching vanilla-centric pop films, because they want to know that there are other people who think and feel and experience the same kinds of things they do.
Then, there are another group of truly amazing people. The people that I am really after. Who like to know that there are people in the world who think and feel and experience the world in a completely DIFFERENT way than they do. That there is something more to all of this than just my version of the story and that is wonderful and freeing and so incredibly, serendipitously great. That is what I meant earlier by saying, "It is okay if we disagree."
So, yes, I WOULD really go out and set up a booth at the gay male cruising park. Because I recognize a serious threat to that community that I feel has every right to exist even if I am not a member of it. I would do this even though it may never be reciprocated for me. Yes, I would sign petition after petition to send peacekeeping troops to Darfur. Yes, I would protest against legislation that discriminates against migrant workers. Yes, I would stop eating meat because I recognize that industrial farming is bad not only for our environment but harmful to farmers and animals. Yes, I would join the American Indian Movement and the Labor Party even though the efforts of those groups are not likely to benefit me directly.
Why? Because it is the right thing to do. Why? Because diversity and equality benefit all members of society. Why? Because I am not free and equal so long as the person next to me is not free equal.
Last week I had sex with a girl in a bathroom stall. I picked her up, leaned her against the wall and humped her. She came, just like that, all our clothes on, nothing else. Does that make me a man? Does that make her a woman? If one hundred dykes come in a bathroom and nobody yells out, "We fucked in the bathroom." Does anybody hear it? Did any of it really happen? And, can it be protected under the law?
I know you are going to delete this post, or I will delete it, then we won't talk to each other for a week, then this amazing thing will happen. We will miss each other. We will apologize. I will wish we had met later in life. You will wish we had met earlier and been childhood friends. I will scream at the world about everything I know and hear and see. You will call and tell me the things you can't tell anyone else, not because I am special, but because there is no guarantee that anyone else wants to hear it, and I will accept you, totally, while disagreeing with your view of the world, and you will begrudgingly be grateful for my candor, though, most of the time, it embarrasses you to death. And the only things that I will keep secret are the things that you, and only you, ask me to.
Yes, you will delete this. It is too indiscreet. It is too over-the-top. It is too vulgar. It is too graphic. It is too real. It is too much like me.
And deleting this (after of course you ask me not to take offense) is so you. But what can I say, your like my best friend and I love you anyway.
Although, you might just prove me wrong.
Now back to reading about web standards and extensible markup language.
Jesus Christ, B, now that you put it that way ...
For the record, I have only ever deleted one post from this blog, and that was one of yours that I felt contained some inaccuracies about me that I did not wish to correct in a public forum. And I told you beforehand that I was going to do it and why. I did not delete it because it shocked or offended me.
And I did not say that "nobody wants to know what you (meaning me, Billy) do in bed." I said it very generally as a time/place/appropriateness matter. But, as you pointed out, this was a post about sex in a public park, so you have a good point.
Last night I was trying to make the case that you could have phrased your description in a less graphic way. That is all.
Having said that, I agree with everything you said in that long comment, especially the representation issue. You're right about the cultural poverty regarding sex and that visibility is a HUGE issue, especially for young people who have very limited role models. I did not see two women kiss in a movie until I was an adult. To this day, I have seen more heterosexual rape (true perversion) in film and TV than I have seen people like me engaged in any kind of healthy intimacy.
Thanks for speaking out. You are welcome to say whatever you want whenever you want here. But remember that you were my partner for a long time. Some things that you say are bound to affect me emotionally coming from you that would not affect me that way coming from some random person.
KC - Please know that my posting last night was typed in the tone of nerdy, excited, manic intellectual stimulation. You know how I get sometimes when we get to talking late at night, especially nights when I haven't had a stimulating conversation in, literally, weeks. ("And then . . . and then . . . and then . . . oh I am talking too much.")
It is the same way I felt in 1999, "Sitting in a Park in Paris France, watching the news and it sure looks bad. They won't give peace a chance. That was just a dream some of us had." Er, sitting with you and chattering away all night.
It was not typed out of anger or frustration, just excitement. Some little epiphanies over here. And I didn't mean any of it judgementally, I know you are a very socially aware person, but that you are also a very private person. I respect that completely. I was shocked and delighted when you started blogging. There are very important things you have written in this blog. Things you had a very hard time saying to me, or that I had a very hard time hearing from you. I am a blundering idiot, alternately very quiet and really, really outspoken. And only mildly socially aware.
I genuinely respect your opinion of things (more so than ANYONE else's), with the exceptions of a few key areas - toilet paper roll maintainacne, laundry detergent brands, the best scent of bath salts (those eucalyptus ones did feel good on my runny nose, though). I think that is why it always feels so urgent to me to be so clear with you. I always want to argue something to consensus with you, even the thing I know there is no way we will agree about.
And, I always find that after we have a debate over something, especially when we disagree a bit, my thoughts are much clearer, crystallized, easier to communicate than before. I wish there was some way of crystallizing BEFORE our debates. Then I might be able to come to you with some great little taut opinion on something and finally, once, sway you.
That thought made me giddy.
Terse, tense,
Taut tutiledge taught
Talking tough,
Taking turns
Telling tall tales
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