Isn't it always the case that the best thing you do on your vacation is the thing you don't have a picture of? You get home and, in lieu of a photo, you have to come up with a thousand frickin' words. And even then, people aren't convinced that the thing was as fun as you've made out; their paltry imaginations need visuals.
I had to resort to said tactic this week. I had to come up with a thousand-word description of the deep-fat-fried cheese curds at the Kansas State Fair, because I walked away from that cultural mecca without a photo of said delicacy.
My description fell flat. It elicited stares, to be sure, but not like the stares that followed me at the fair as I walked down the midway with a heaping basket of hot, greasy, golden curds with a side of ranch and molten bubbles of stringy cheddar oozing out the pockets of fried batter. "What is that?!" people would exclaim, and "Where did you get that? It looks so good." I felt like Marco Polo parading through the canals of Venice with an exotic Oriental spice. "Over there," I said, "where they sell the Dutch Fatballs, but watch out for the six-legged monsters and the army of Kublai Khan."
Anyway, here's the abridged version of my curd description: Oh God, oh God.
And if that's not enough, I have witnesses. George and Erin were there and partook.
Here are some other things we ate:

So the food was yummy.

We saw a lot of animals. Remarkably, this sheep, when they sheared its wool off, had all these markings on it. It was born that way. Apparently some enterprising 4-H youth had put his seventh-grade biology class to use and genetically engineered a butcher-friendly line of sheep. He will probably get the blue ribbon for that. I say "he"; it could have been a girl 4-Her, I guess, but it just doesn't seem like something a girl would think up, don't you agree?

Every building had some particular kind of animal in it. Like there was a rabbit building and a pig building and a cow building, etc. In the poultry building, we saw this. (George said I should post this picture and write: "Look at this gorgeous cock.")

We also saw this Phyllis Diller-type bird. There's the hair similarity, of course, but doesn't it also look like she should be carrying an ivory cigarette holder and telling ribald jokes about how her husband doesn't find her sexy anymore? George called the birds with the fancy hair-dos the "socialites."

And when we came to the baby animal building, we saw this: (George said I should post this picture and write: "Look at this little ass.")

Good thing there wasn't a cat building. George might have been stumped for something clever to tell me to write.
That little donkey's name was Topper and his mom's name was Taffy. They are dwarf donkeys, and she was pregnant with him for like 13 months. He is about the size of my boy dog, but he has an extra huge penis. Huge. Although you can't see it in this picture. We thus speculated that the oft-heard phrase "donkey dick" is based on something more than charming alliteration.
Also in the baby building we saw some pregnant cows and newborn piglets. But I did not get pictures of these as I was too busy oohing and ahing. I did photograph some adult pigs in the swine building. This head and butt do not belong to the same pig, though.

And those are the highlights of my first visit to the Kansas State Fair.
This reminds me of what I've been rehearsing for three weeks - Charlotte's Web. Some of it takes place at a fair ... and we have a pig ... no chickens, but I am a goose.
I've met my cute barnyard animal capacity.
There's a part during the show when the goose is trying to convince Templeton the Rat to go to the fair to help Charlotte and Wilbur and she says that "every every everybody spills food at the fair ... popcorn ... frozen custard ... candy apple apple apple ... "
Maybe tomorrow I'll say, "fried cheese curds curds curds."
An excellent summary.
I was back at the fair tonight, manning the city of Newton booth. This meant sitting on a stool and watching my boss accost passersby, demanding to know why they don't live in Newton. I was accosted by a couple from Emporia, who demanded to know why Newton doesn't advertise its fast-food establishments from the highway. I told them how to get to Braum's from U.S. 50.
I had a bierock and a small iced tea. I also bought some cornbread mix from the Stafford County booth.
You're a goose! I have a picture of a goose from the fair. Erin even commented that it was quite a good goose picture. I'll have to post it.
I hope you say curds, curds, curds. Will people in that part of the country be familiar with fried cheese curds?
Erin, did your boss persuade anyone to move to Newton?
Oh, yes, and we registered for the free trip to Newton! Erin, I don't suppose you'd have any pull in that, would you?
And I still can't believe they didn't have fried salads. I'll just have to start selling them at fairs, along with the fried sushi.
I don't think he persuaded anyone. He did freak some people out, though.
I'll see what I can do about the Newton getaway drawing, G. But you must know, free stays in Newton are always available at Chez McDaniel.
I am sure with all the deep fat frying you were probably in a self-induced, multi-day curd coma this week. I would be.
In other words, thanks for calling last night.
I miss you. I'm glad your not holding back on the fair food.
Is it just me, or does it look like those four guys are singing the syllable "wu"? A very heartfelt "wu," I might add.
This post made me really hungry until I got to Phyllis Diller.
And then, suddenly, I wasn't anymore.
KC - Has it occurred to you that some of those farm animals you photographed so nonchalantly might have "friends" who will threaten to shove your camera into unthinkable places should they ever see this post.
Holy mashed potatos! What is the world coming to? Let's run away together, okay?
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