OK, here are some shoes of some people I like. (I like more people than this, but I don't have pictures of their shoes).
Sara's first, because we haven't seen them yet. She divides her collection into comfy and uncomfy. In the first kind, you can perambulate all over town, all on your own. In the second kind, you have to be driven to your destination because these shoes are not meant to be walked in so much as looked at. I am guessing these two pictures represent only a fraction of Sara's shoes. (I remember from working with her that she always had very nifty sneakers).
Here are her comfies:

Here are her uncomfies:

George's prized collection includes a pair of snow booties, some sneakers and some going-to-church shoes. (George attends a megachurch with a Christian rock band and laser light show, so he has to look his best). The size of his collection recently increased by 33 percent when he added the white, easy-to-clean nursing shoes below. (Is my math right, G?)

Erin went with a day-in-the-life perspective and submitted a picture of what she happened to be wearing. I'm glad to see these shoes resurface, because I really like them but haven't seen them in ages. I'm assuming this is Casual Friday footwear — and the trendiest to be found in her workplace. Sometime when I'm at her house I'll sneak some photos of her two dozen other shoes. (By the way, Erin has a birthday tomorrow. She'll be seven-and-twenty ... I've been reading Jane Austen).

Billy has some cool shoes, I can attest, but she doesn't have a working camera. These boots she's in love with, and I'm sure we'll see them on her feet this winter when she gets a few pesos from her new job.

If anyone else wants to share images of their shoes, send them along!
Erin, those look pretty comfortable -- they should be the only shoes you need.
And yeah, kc, your math is good. But the church banned me when I tried to start a mosh pit. I mean, what the hell is up with that?
Sara always did have great sneaks. Or does, I guess. (I know, Sara. Just because you're in law school doesn't mean you're dead ...)
Also, KC I think we have to obstain from the Ani show on principle. I don't think I can stomach watching her play the gay card to sell out concerts. Esp. not since she has a male partner and she is supposedly pregnant. I hate watching the teenie boppers cream at her stupid, predictable, fake lesbian jokes.
Here is a picture of Ani's shoes (just to keep this comment on subject).
Dude! I want to go to the Ani show for my birthday, and if you don't go with me I'll just find some unprincipled person to go instead.
I don't think she's a fake lesbian. I think she's genuinely bisexual. And I think it rocks that she's doing shows while pregnant.
And I LOVE her shoes.
Actually, I've been listening to her music a lot lately. I think some of it is TRULY brilliant. I was thinking of writing a post on the physicality of her lyrics — so many of them are about shapes and perspectives.
But back to shoes. Honestly, Sara, how do you walk in those black heels and in the beige ones on the right? Hehe
My Casual Friday shoes are comfy, yes. You haven't seen them much lately because before this week it was too hot to put on any flippin' socks.
Having my shoes up on your blog make me feel vulnerable. The shoes pictured, save a raggedy pair of slippers I didn't include, are my entire shoe collection. I'm actually pretty good about getting rid of the ones that wear out or that I don't like anymore.
Those black heels are perfect with my black suit, which is what I wear for interviews. There's a fun trend among my fellow students, of wearing flip flops to and from, and donning the heels only for the interview itself. Really, that's the only way.
And those beige heels? I ordered them online, and didn't realize how high the heels would be in person. They make me almost as tall as Erin. ;) So far, I've only worn them to weddings.
I'm surprised that both kc and cl noticed my sneakers. I thought my sneaks were always pretty run of the mill -- nothing as badass as Erin's casual Friday shoes.
So here is a question for everyone. Date shoes? How do you decide what shoes to wear on a romantic encounter. There are some obvious musts. They must be breathable so that when you have the nervous sweats they don't smell if you should, by chance, be asked to take them off. But otherwise, how do you pick?
When I start clinicals I'll try to swipe a box of disposable hospital booties. Then technically I'd have over 100 pairs of shoes.
Billy, on a date, I believe your shoes should match your handbag, or your leather harness.
G, good thinking. I want a picture of each pair, too. Can you steal a box for me?
Billy, here's my guide:
First date.
Second date.
Third date.
Oh George, now you HAVE to go on three dates with me so I can see you in that last pair. Yay.
That's what you'll wear when you're a dancer, right George?
If you can't dance in them, you'll have to take them off and set them right beside you.
KC, for you I'd give it up on the first date -- if you wined and dined me right.
My most kick-ass shoes have to be my big lesbian shoes. They're a size 13 or 14 in men's (I'm not sure what that is in lesbian).
I bought them at Wal*Mart to replace the previous pair of big lesbian shoes I bought at Wal*Mart that fell apart after a month.
The first pair was $10 and the second was $25, so I'm hoping these last at least 2.5 months.
Ben, you are like 3 posts too late to talk about big lesbian shoes. Sorry bud.
George, I think #3 is probably my best bet as I am meeting someone very very special for coffee and hopefully, please god, hopefully, more on Monday.
KC, it isn't my harness. Should I go with black or brown? I am so lost. This is my first time meeting a dominatrix for coffee.
Also, can I say, without offending anyone, I HATE Birkenstocks. I understand that they are comfy and well made and all. But they just remind of men with greasy curly hair in ridiculous tie-died shirts and cut-off denim shorts that reek of pot and talk like they never fully recovered from their last batch of shrooms.
Also, with the exception of KC, who I think we can all agree is a babe, all the gals I know that were Birks are terrible dancers that always seem to really enjoy dancing with girls who can't wait to escape their stiff dipsy geriatric groove at the gay bar.
I may feel different about this in the morning. I just found out that I am the "Poster Child of the Month" at the local gay bar. Being poster child, along with being the new back door bouncer, apparently affords you certain perks including the occassional free drink and I am totally hammered.
I guess there is some kind of free champagne party at the end of the month in my honor. I cordially invite everyone to come live it up in Binghamton with me at the end of Sept.
Billy, I think you're thinking about this all wrong. You should be picking out what shoes NOT to wear, and wear them; then your dominatrix can punish you even more for your fashion faux-pas.
I totally agree, of course, that one should not dance in Birkenstocks.
Show us the poster.
I am of the opinion that it is always the right time to talk about big lesbian shoes.
The first time I ever saw Birkenstocks was in 1991. I was in seventh grade, and a eighth-grade saxophone player with long, blond hair wore them. Everyone called him Jesus because of his Jesus shoes. Then they were all wearing them two or three years later.
Ben, that reminds me of a Sara Silverman joke. She's talking about how the Jews are always blamed for killing Christ — my own personal opinion is that someone had to do it or there would be no Christianity — anyway, she says "Fuck yeah, we killed him! And I'd fuckin' do it again! In a heartbeat. Next time he comes walking up to me with his Birkenstocks clacking ...
I had one pair of Birkenstocks in high school. I left them in a hotel room during some nerd trip, like Model UN. I'm not crazy about them on men. Actually, I'm not crazy about any sandals on men.
I ordered a camera for my birthday, so maybe next week I can show my whole shoe collection. But you should know, I don't have any heels as high or interesting as Sara's.
I'm late, as usual, B, but I had a boyfriend in college who would always smell my feet and ask how I kept them so nice.
(That might have been Too Much Information.)
I wonder if he had a foot fetish?
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