Someone came into my backyard tonight while I was at work and left the gate open, a gate I never use. So when I let the dogs out at 1:45 a.m. they ran away. I did not discover this for a few minutes, until I went to let them in and they weren't there. Usually they are eager to come back in at night. They haven't seen me in six or seven hours. They want to come in and knock me down. I thought maybe they found something interesting in the yard — a dead bird or a snake — so I went out to see if they were conferring in a dark corner of the yard. Nothing. As I turned back toward the house I saw the south gate was wide open. My heart hit the ground.
They had never run away at night. The neighborhood was asleep. I couldn't call for them. George was asleep. I couldn't call him. It was too dark to walk around looking. The bars were closing. I sat on my front porch and softly whistled for them.
Then it dawned on me again: Someone opened the gate. I walked around to the backyard to see if anyone had broken into the basement or stolen the bikes chained to the fence. It didn't look like it. Was someone watching me?
I sat on the front porch some more. They'll come back. I'll sit here all night. Finally, I can't take the waiting. I get in my car, even though I know it's futile, and even though I know they might come back when I'm gone — and find me gone and leave again. I drive around the neighborhood in ever-widening squares. I can't see anything. My dogs are black. I make passes by the house, in case they returned. I drive and drive.
This is a shitty time to live alone. Earlier in the day a colleague was complaining to me that his wife was out of town caring for her sick mother and that he was "bacheloring it," i.e., that he did not have a woman around to care for him. I just nodded and tried to fake a smile. He’s my superior; he doesn’t have a sense of humor. He must have seen my "sympathy" as sincere, because he went on about the hardships he had been enduring the past three or four days. "I've been too busy to get anything done (including the professional thing we were working on together). I've found that now I have to take care of the lawn — and the lawndry," he says, proud of his pun. Poor guy, I thought, how will you survive? I bet you're wishing your mother-in-law will hurry up and kick the bucket so your wife can come back and start caring for you again and you won't have to live alone. He starts to tell me what he's been eating without a woman to cook for him. I start talking to someone else.
No dogs. No dogs. No dogs. Then suddenly, in a big parking lot under a street lamp, there are my dogs. My heart swells. I pull up and call to them. They come running, like "Where have you been? We’re having so much fun!" They jump in the car and lick my face. They've been swimming in the river. They are sopping wet and reek of dead fish and river mud.
We drive home. They drink from their bowl and frolic wildly with each other, energized by their late-night outing. I sit down and write this in lieu of smoking a cigarette, in the time it would take to smoke a cigarette. Then I collapse on my bed at 4:30 a.m., on my sheets that need lawndering, between my two best friends, who are sopping wet and reek of dead fish and river mud.

Glad you found the dogs. Put a lock on your gate, ok? And what’s with this living alone line? If you lived alone, you wouldn’t have been out on the streets in the middle of the night looking for your housemates.
Housemates, you say! Freeloaders is more like it.
It did cross my mind, though, that if someone had tried to get in the house, those two would have scared the living crap out of him. And if someone tried to hurt me, Rupert would rip his throat out. Mabel, on the other hand, would just want to play with his ski mask.
Also, Sara, if you read this, I am eagerly awaiting your shoe-collection picture!
Good post, poop. I was really worried when I woke up and got your message this morning. Sorry that I couldn't stay up for your call. After 2am NY time I figured you weren't going to ring me.
We both wrote very lonely posts today.
Before you called just now I was dozing off thinking of that night when we went to Tellers after living apart for the summer. I miss you tons.
I'm so sorry. That terrible feeling of panic and dread should be shared, you're right. Glad they are safe and sound, though stinky.
Yeah, holy crap that was scary. That's not a good time to have to go searching for missing dogs. I'm so glad they're safe.
And for the record, you have a green light to call me at any time, especially time like that. (I was up until 2 a.m. last night anyway.)
Oh, yikes. That is awful. I'm glad the doggies are OK!
I can see Rupert defending house and home, and Mabel looking for a new pal. They are yin and yang.
I hope you have some wire or something to tie up that fence door so that anybody else looking for a place to squat would give up.
Yeah, I have to secure the gates.
Thanks for the offer, G-Spot. I may take you up on it tonight. Parliamentary procedures. Hehe. (You probably think I'm a pretty bad dog owner ... the last two times you were here Mabel got out).
No, I don't think you're a bad dog owner. Really I'm just laughing at how much Mabel tends to outsmart us all.
I know. Mabel is a bitch.
I'm certain Angelboy Bubby would not have left the yard last night had evil Mabel not led him astray. When we are at the dog park and Mabel wants him to run away with her, he always is torn between me and her. He knows Mabel will show him a good time, but I'll put food in his bowl — and scratch all the places he can't reach, although, I have not cleaned out his ears with my tongue, as Mabel does daily with great devotion.
Aagghh!! That second pic you added is so awesome!
That brought a tear to my eye. The fear of losing your scary.
in other news, I sent you two shoe collection pictures several days ago! Maybe they were blocked?
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Also, there's a picture of a pair of Erin's fab shoes in the comments section of my last post.
OMG - you just put your email out there for the whole world to see. I hope you are prepared to live with the consequences. (Yes I typed OMG, hate me later.)
George, you're great. I am glad you and KC are friends.
Finally, I think Rupert is really a water serpant with fur. He looks far more natural and graceful in the water than out. Can't wait to go to the dog park with Rupert, Mabel and Pip.
I only wish your post had begun with: Everything is OK now. BUT ...
I have no greater fear than one of my cats getting out. They think they want to go; the outdoors looks like a giant playground (or litter box). But they have no idea how dangerous it can be.
At least children do grow up and out of that phase of not understanding why they can't do things that we adults know are bad for them. Animals never do!
I'm so happy everyone is home safely.
P.S. You can always call me. I never sleep. Honest.
OK -- I tried again.
Sara, this is too bizarre. I still didn't get it. Did you send it to the e-mail address I had posted here? It is generally very reliable, although a few days ago I did not receive something Erin sent until quite a bit later.
I guess I'll delete my e-mail address in the above comment, after billy's chiding.
Thanks, Billy. Same goes for you, too. Hopefully soon we'll be able to get together in Lawrence.
Sara, the anticipation is killing me. If you want you can get my e-mail, which is always very quick, by clicking on my profile. If you send it to me I can post it here.
Sara, could you try George's e-mail? I know this is a big hassle. Sorry. (Ben just told me he didn't get an e-mail I sent a day or two ago until just now, and we have the same e-mail provider.)
All right. I tried again, this time to George. This is starting to get embarrassing; I'm not sure a couple of pictures of my shoes are worth all this trouble.
I have a theory that maybe my pictures are too big. I can send them, but you can't receive them. If this most recent attempt doesn't work, I'll reduce the size drastically and try again.
Sara, George got them! They're awesome. Hehe. I'll post them this afternoon.
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