Bless his heart. Benjie wrote his own shoe commentary. I would preface his analysis with the observation, for those who don't know, that Benjie has Fred Flintstone feet — completely flat and blocky like a blue-collar Bedrock man; however, to my knowledge, he cannot propel a car with them:

Starting at Maggie's tail and going counterclockwise, we have:
Brown French Walking Shoes
Black Work Boots (they are made to be casual boots, but they are the toughest shoes I have, so I use them for heavy-duty booting)
Lawn-Mowin' New Balance Running Shoes
Big Lesbian Shoes
Shiny Black Dress Shoes
White New Balance Walking Shoes (I don't wear them because they peench my feet)
Tuxedo Shoes (black plastic shoes)
Hush Puppies Brand Cordovan Cap-Toe Dress Shoes (my favorite shoes)
White New Balance Walking Shoes (the ones I wear every day -- note laces)
Weird Black Dress Shoes (Don Suffron gave them to me)
K-Swiss Sandals (I can't wear them because I can't put my special insoles on them)
Good Black Dress Shoes (the ones I wore to work, alternating with the cordovan dress shoes)
New Balance Running Shoes (the latest ones I tried a couple of years ago — I can't run because of the flat feet, but these are specially made for flat feet, so I tried until my shins fell apart as usual; note that they have no laces — when the laces broke in my everyday shoes, I took the ones from these shoes until they broke also, then I bought the ones with the red stripe)
Also note that I have three pairs of special insoles, and they are in the big lesbian shoes, the tux shoes, and the everyday sneakers. The lesbian shoes have them because they are my second most used shoes and the tux shoes have them because I don't like to have to switch out my insoles right before a performance. And I have three pairs of shoe trees, in the boots, the tux shoes, and the cordovans. I have them in the cordovans because, when I was an attorney, I would always put a pair in the dress shoes I was wearing right after work (I would wear the cordovans and the black dress shoes on alternating days). I have a pair in the tux shoes because they are a little small, and I keep those in there so they don't shrink, and I have a pair in the boots because the last time I wore them I sweated a lot, and those cedar trees are good for keeping moisture from ruining leather.
So that's the story on my shoes.
What is French, exactly, about those walking shoes? Do they involve a lot of tongue?
Ooooooo ... good one, kc!
Fourteen pairs? I've never heard of a guy having that many shoes, but maybe I'm just out of step with foot fashions.
Or maybe you are too tied up in your own affairs to notice what's going on around you.
I know; I'm such a heel.
The French shoes were made by a company with an accent in their name (Propet, accent aigu over the e). They encourage folks to walk 1000 kilometers in their shoes. It's actually an American walking shoe company (and in their American marketing they ask people to walk 1000 miles in their shoes).
Hey, George, I only have thirteen pairs of shoes, not fourteen! And I have so many only because none of them fit. There's probably six pairs in there that I'll never wear again.
Erin told me an alternative hypothesis on why the shoe trees are in those particular shoes: She thinks the shoes and trees were in disarray in the closet and she just stuffed the trees in the nearest shoes. I'm not sure she's right about that, but I thought I should give you her side and let you decide.
God only knows why we still have those K-Swiss sandals. He hasn't worn them in about nine years, and they are two sizes smaller than his current shoes.
By the way, one difference between my feet and Fred's are that mine resemble skis more than boulders. My best fitting shoes are size 14AA, but my feet are more like 12AAA, or narrower.
Unlike Mr. Flintstone, I'm small boned.
By the way, for anyone keeping score, normal width for women's shoes is B and for men's is D. In other words, a woman with AAA width feet has feet that are three widths narrower than normal, but my feet are at least five widths narrower than normal.
Uhm, yeah. I have finally given in and written a post about shoes. I will post it as soon as I am done doing my version of copy editing. This involves looking a whole lot of words up in the damn dictionary because I have botched them so badly spell check doesn't know where to begin.Look for it in the morrow.
Can't wait, Billy.
Now, did you build the circle around Charlie, or did he join the pic later?
Maybe I will borrow KC's camera. It'd be easier than bringing my shoes to work. But there's no way in hell I can get the cat to stay in the circle. Not even a big circle.
cl, that's Maggie in the circle. She's always in the middle of everything. I love Ben's shoe circle. Nice sense of movement. You can borrow my camera whenever you want. Though, I think we should do it at work; we could have Cup o Boss model your shoes.
Billy, fun post, but speaking for myself, if I met a nice person who liked me back, I wouldn't give a crap what she was wearing.
That white thing between Maggie's jaws is part of a rawhide chew toy. That's the secret for getting Maggie in the middle of the circle.
As for Charlie, he'll wander around and stare at nothing with no provocation. We're just lucky that it happened to be in the frame when I took the picture!
And another thing, G, your puns lately have been really pedestrian. I expect better from you.
I know, kc; I've really tried to do better with the puns on this platform, but all I've done is flip-flop.
Yeah, you're really starting to slide. You should tap into your inner comedian.
Come on, you guys. Put a sock in it.
OK, OK -- I already know I can't go toe-to-toe with kc.
I knew Erin would eventually put her foot down.
KC and G, you all remind me of leather and lace.
KC, therein lies the rub, right? The liking and liking back.
I met a gal tonight who has apparently had a crush on me for weeks. She passed me a note and kissed me on the neck then spoke shyly for 5 or 10 minutes. I wanted to like her simply because she liked me, but I couldn't do it. (Also, she admitted to haven stolen multiple copies of my poster from the bar. This scared me a little. And has probably damaged my chances at having other girls dig me.)
Bottom line - she was just too straight. It's like kissing a straight man, I'm just not into straight people. Gay men, gay women, queers, yay! Straights, nay.
I could possibly sleep with her, but it won't change the fact that our genders don't align.
OK, but did she have good shoes?
I have to admit, for once, I didn't look closely at her shoes. They were black, with laces.
She was speaking to me in spanglish and I was trying to keep up by speaking back in senglish (my limited version of spanglish). My phrasology consists of:
Si, es verdad
Mas o menos
Yo no se
Yo quiero . . .
Anyhow, then she kissed me and all reason went to hell. All I could think was . . . I am not attracted to this person, but man that felt nice.
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